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I have books with hundreds of touchmarks used in medieval and renaissance times.  Does your app have any country or time specific requirements?


Probably a good bet that MOST touchmarks in use are not on-line.  I'd check with ABANA and ABS to see if they maintain a databse of them.

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Iforgeiron has a section on touch marks. Have you looked there?


Pulling information from IForgeIron, Anvilfire (Jock specifically says no material from his site is to be used without his WRITTEN permission) books etc are all copyrighted. The touchmarks may be copyrighted or registered as a trade mark. While an app may be an end around the copyright issue, you may want to seek legal advice on the subject.

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With the freedom of information act within the united states anyone has the right to copy and redisplay information, as long as you list where you got the information, pictures, etc. And any profit to be made on any such will have to be approved by the holder of the copyright/trademark. or will run afoul of the law.

And any request by the holder of the trademark or copyright holder to remove any of said items or disinguishing marks. idenifiying the TRDMRK, or the CPYRGHT. Would have to be complied with.

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Adam - I know you think an App would be cool to do but from where your at as far as a beginner blacksmith, I think your time would benefit more buy actually getting more hands on time with actual blacksmithing and heating and beating on some metal so you can gain more experience with that vs, toying with making an app. - Do as you choose but the hands on will gain you more and faster then anything in this craft. Oh what does an App do? LOL

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With the freedom of information act within the united states anyone has the right to copy and redisplay information, as long as you list where you got the information, pictures, etc. And any profit to be made on any such will have to be approved by the holder of the copyright/trademark. or will run afoul of the law.

And any request by the holder of the trademark or copyright holder to remove any of said items or disinguishing marks. idenifiying the TRDMRK, or the CPYRGHT. Would have to be complied with.


What is FOIA?
Enacted on July 4, 1966, and taking effect one year later, the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) provides that any person has a right, enforceable in court, to obtain access to federal agency records, except to the extent that such records (or portions of them) are protected from public disclosure by one of nine exemptions or by one of three special law enforcement record exclusions. A FOIA request can be made for any agency record. Before sending a request to a federal agency, you should determine which agency is likely to have the records you are seeking. Each agency’s website will contain information about the type of records that agency maintains.

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Ill have to admit I uesd the wrong phrase.

Its the Docturine of Fair Use

The doctrine of fair use has developed through a substantial number of court decisions over the years and has been codified in section 107 of the copyright law.

Section 107 contains a list of the various purposes for which the reproduction of a particular work may be considered fair, suchas criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Section 107 also sets out four factors to be considered in determining whether or not a particular use is fair.

1. The purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of commercial nature or for nonprofit educational purposes
2. The nature of the copyrighted work
3. The amount and substantiality of the portio used in relation to the copyrighted work as whole 4. The effect of the use upon the potential ma for, or value of, the copyrighted work

The distinction between what is fair use and what is infringement in a particular case will not always be clear or easily defined. There is no specific number of words, lines, or notes that may safely be taken without permission. Acknowledging the source of the copyrighted material does not substitute for obtaining permission.

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Use a long pipe for a tuyere. As the end would burn off or degrade, push new pipe into the fire. I used sch 40 for over a year with no damage to the end of the pipe. 


Pipe is cheap, Not being able to forge is a pain, and no fun. 

Push come to shove make a quick bottom blast forge and be happy.

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The quick solution is to use a hacksaw remove the melted over area.


There are also ideas out there where a protective cover is used to protect the end of the pipe. One is a rock, I forget the name used, with a hole in the rock for air flow. You could use fire brick, metal, clay or other materials.


For me part of the fun is solving the problem. What will work and what will not. If it does not work you loose maybe 30 minutes time rebuilding,  and gain a valuable lesson in forge construction in the process. You also gain experience that can be used in other areas.


When trying to make a car steel rim work as a forge I tried several different shape fire pots all made from clay. All worked to an extent, clearly some designs better than others. In the end, covering the bolt holes with clay and building a fire was the best for a fast forge. A cone shape worked well for dealing with the ash, The slot type design has merit. And the list goes on as does the experimenting.  


All this is not to hijack a thread but to get the forge working so you can get back to beating on hot metal.

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