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vulcanising patches were pretty cool to watch as a kid. The rubber patch was on the bottom of a thin metal tray and the tray had a layer of dried paste in it that you lit with a match once it was clamped over the hole in the tube. the heat from the fire bonded it all together. I don't know what the burning stuff was but the temptation to misuse it was enormous.

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Definitely a clamp to hold a vulcanised repair patch to a punctured inner tube. You would clamp the metal patch housing onto the tube then ignite a phosperous section on the heat source in the metal cap. This ignites and smoulders, generating enough heat to adhere the patch to the tube. Have used them in my youth on push bike and car tyres. Back in the 1960 - 70's.

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Greetings Savage,

Its a tire patch clamp as the guys have said.. You can use it to hold sheet metal together when spot welding.. works slick...


Good idea although i dont spot weld anything but an idea just struck me, what about a secondary vice to hold a knife in the main vice whilste draw filing? I might have to remove the spikey jaw part first so i dont damage my blades.
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