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help me identify this anvil

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Some better pictures would help, your second pic is very blurry.

And the first pic has too much contrast from a flashlight I'm guessing?

More equal lighting or a daylight picture would be better, and of course non-blurry helps too.


I know Peter Wright had the circular "Solid Wrought" stamping, but from what I can make out in the picture, does it say "USA" under that?

Or is that the bottom portion of the Trenton diamond above the Solid Wrought?

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Yup, after searching a few more pics, I believe you have a Trenton there.

You can make out the bottom half of the Trenton diamond logo, and Trenton did indeed put a USA stamp under the circular Solid Wrought.


If you look on the front of the foot under the horn, you will most likely find the weight stamping on the left and the serial number on the right.

Once you have that info- we could get the approximate year it was made.

Here's one with a clearer stamping of the same:


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When you take pictures of reflective objects use oblique lighting, not straight on. the camera flash ruins more shots than almost anything else. For a quick fix, put a single ply of tissue over the flash, it'll diffuse the light and soften the highlights and the reflection.


Taking a pic with the light shining at a shallow angle from one or the other side is good for making physical features stand out, things like cast markings or stamped markings will show much more clearly. For an example take a look at the moon with a pair of binoculars, if it's full it's really hard to see the craters and mtns. except at the edges, look at an early or late crescent phase and they stand out vividly.


Frosty The Lucky.

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