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I Forge Iron

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I would not mind 1 anvil falling from the heavens. Preferably in the back yard where the lawn is pretty soggy so it would not get damaged. But as a widespread phenomenon, I'd rather not have a rain of anvils. At least not directly over my house. I am too lazy to do the back of the envelope calculations, but the kinetic energy of an anvil dropping from the clouds would be high enough that it would not really slow down much before it'd hit the bottom of the basement...

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Good segway which is kinda back on the original topic.  The 190lb PW that I have now came from Pennsylvania.  A friend offered to put one on a moving truck when he moved his stuff down if I found one along the way of his trip down here.  That part of the country being steel country, the prices you see on craig's list there are better than what you'd find in Texas.  I got lucky and found this one which the owner agreed to hold onto it while we coordinated it's move.  Took a few months but it worked out.  Point being don't rule anything out and keep all options open.

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