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I Forge Iron

Brent bailey Cross peen


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I ordered a 3lb cross peen from Brent, got it very quick and its a huge upgrade from my HF hammer. I can tell it takes a few hits off some of the things I make a lot of, now I need to upgrade the anvil!


I made a little leather protector for the handle, my old hammer had a smaller face and while upsetting 1/2" bars I missed a couple times and gouged the handle. The new hammer has a wider face so it shouldn't be a problem anymore but I like the way it looks.









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Brent's hammers have a recognizable and desirable aesthetic.


A number of smiths, hobby and pro, have notched their hammer hafts immediately below the head, and it is from giving shearing blows on the off side of the hardy. It's OK to give the final shearing blow(s) in that manner, except one should take the haft out to the side when shearing.

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I use the 3 lb Harbor frieght hammer that you replaced. Its ok, but the peen needs to be ground to the correct shape. Its cast steel and  not bad for $8. I would like to upgrade with one of those Swedish style cross-pien hammers. does anybody have experience with those?5044031000pedswedish75e.jpg

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Nick, those Swedish style hammers have quite long peins, and I have seen one that actually bent (a lot of hard 'n' heavy peening, I suppose?). They also usually have a weird radius ground toe to heel across the face.

Personally, I like the look of the HF hammer, but then I prefer a longer hammer head.

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