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A guy I know had this laying around his shop. Said I could borrow it until I found one or he needed it back (made a joke about using it as a boat anchor, Xept he doesn't have a boat haha) can anyone tell me anything about it? I can't find any markings on it, but but ide guess its around a 100 pounds and its 9 1/2 inches tall and 19 long. Thanks! Oh and sorry about only the side view, I deleted one of the pictures on accident when I did this.




I think it is about 100 lbs. slightly unused, waiting to be cleaned up and used. What does it matter if you can't see any markings. Maybe when you clean it up you can see them. If you can't see any markings, What does that change? You have a free anvil, beggars can't be choosers. Use it for what it is meant and enjoy it!!




Thanks for the comment.. But that's not what I asked.. I just wanted to know if anyone could take a guessat the brand or what not. I dont see how I was complaining about it at all. Obviously I'm ecstatic that he let me borrow it! Maybe I'm misunderstanding the point of your post, and I'm sorry if I am, but if your just going to be 'smart' please don't comment on this. I was just asking a q.


It that second pic, it looks like there's a tool-steel faceplate on the top, so that's a good thing.  From the overall looks, I'm getting a strong "vulcan" feeling about it.  Not absolutely sure it's a Vulcan brand, but....


With the hard faceplate, you'll be good to go.  The only thing I'd suggest is to mount it very firmly to the heaviest stand you can.  That will make a 100lb anvil work just as well as a 200lb anvil.  And that makes a huge difference.


And who knows, you might be able to talk him out of it in a year.  


Looks a lot like a Vulcan I sold a while back. (Not the same anvil, ANOTHER Vulcan.)   Perfectly serviceable anvil.  X2 on mounting it firmly.


The logo on a Vulcan is "cameo", i.e. elevated above the surrounding metal; so it would be fairly easy to grind off, if the anvil was to be sold, for instance, by a big store, which then could have pasted a decal or paper label over the spot.


Another possibility:  I assume the bodies on Vulcans were sand-cast; in which case it would be pretty easy to just fill in the logo in the raw sand (or if it was pressed in after the mould was made, just omit that step). 

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