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I Forge Iron

Identify this Anvil?

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I put up a Craiglist ad looking for anvils about a month ago and was contacted by a woman a few hours away with a Swedish anvil. I've attached the pictures I've recieved.


Can you guys help me with identifying this anvil and approximately what it is worth? I haven't recieved an asking price yet but if its a decent anvil I want to go into the haggling with as much information as possible. Thanks!





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Definitely a good anvil- 260lbs and looks really clean. I can't read the markings but it looks like a Soderfors cast steel. Considered to be one of the best anvils made.

If you can get it for less than $750 you will have a great score. They seem to usually go for more than $3/lb when they are that large.

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If it's close, you'd be silly to pass it up if you can get it for under $500.  If they want over $500, I'd have to think about it a bit.  


It's a top-of-the-line cast steel anvil.  It's a great weight for all-around smithing no matter how much you might grow in your aspirations.  It's not too big to be difficult to move should you relocate.  It's in unused condition, and a new anvil of similar weight would run you at least $600 plus shipping.


Do you need it?  Do you have the extra cash to spend on it?  


I would certainly feel good to offer her $300 as a starting offer.  If she asks for more, you really don't have much to argue the price down with because the condition of the anvil is fantastic.  If you can get it for less than $3/lb, you're doing great.

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