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I Forge Iron

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IF you start a charcoal fire, then add damp coal to it, I would think coal would dry out enough to burn quite well.... After all you use water to control heat and fire size with coal do you not?

From my initial venture into forge work I found charcoal to be very underrated for heat....Once my coal arrived I was very happy about the "heat" and the time my metals spent in fire was quite a bit shorter with coal...


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Wet coal?

I realize it is a valid question, and in trying to do things right the first time it should be ask.


Take some small pieces of the coal, the size of a marble or less, and place them on the fire you build from sticks or kindling. As they catch fire they will generate enough heat to catch the next double hand full of coal on fire. Repeat as needed, always keeping a hole in the top (think volcano) for the smoke and fire to exit.

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Wow I went out to the forge the other day and got a good wood fire started and raked in the coal/coke from the last run.  Once that got going good I chiseled out chunks of coal that is stored in a bucket of water before use that had frozen solid.  Laid the chunks on the side so they would thaw out and slump into the fire without putting out the core of the fire and did great---had several forge welds to do and no problem.  So soaking wet frozen coal can be used.  Unless your weather is worse than that you should be OK.

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