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I Forge Iron

Personal Bowie


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I just finished this one up as a personal user, I realized that I didn't actually have a knife of mine aside from my earliest abominations that shall never see the light of day this bowie is 5160 and razor sharp (literally I will most likely make a short video to put up on here to show it in action) Over all length is 14.25 inches with a 2 inch wide blade. Just as a side note when I started making knives I'd always see these amazing looking knives that everyone else was making and mine always looked like junk in comparison (I still think I need a lot of work don't get me wrong) but sometimes I think it's encouraging to look back at some of your old work. So in that spirit in addition to my new bowie I will post a picture of one of my very first knives and I invite you all to do the same. Thanks for looking!




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Tom I never mind constructive criticism and I respect your work but I find your comment a bit on the very rude side. Perrin thank you for your compliments; I do agree that my leather work leaves a lot to be desired which is why I am working on it very heavily right now.

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Holster? I usually use them for hand-guns.......anyhow, nice job on the knife antigoth, and the leatherwork, just like metalwork or any other work, just gets better with practice. Something I've found works well when making sheaths (and holsters for that matter) is; make a blank of the blade, or grease the blade up then soak your leather for awhile in water and it will be easy to mould around the shape of your steel. Let it dry in place and then punch the holes for stitching.
Keep up the good work.....

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