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Here is a magnetic sweeper that I find very easy and convenient to use. The sweeper is made from a commercial roofing nail pick up magnet on a handle. The magnet is 3 1/2" in diameter and fits neatly into one of those cheap plastic storage containers usually used to store food. Mine came with the purchase of lunch meat.

The only fabrication required is cutting a small opening in the end of the lid for the handle stem to pass through. Once assembled and swept over the floor release of the collected steel filings from the container bottom by raising the magnet above the container bottom.

I have used this magnetic sweep for years with a zip lock bag which allows quick release of filings but this lunch meat box system works much more easily.



That's neat, My dad used to make them by attaching the magnet on to the end of a broom handle, and tying a piece of cloth or a plastic bag, or taping some newspaper over the magnet, (he just used whatever was to hand) then after "sweeping" he just pulled off the bag/cloth/newspaper and put it all into the bin.


That's neat, My dad used to make them by attaching the magnet on to the end of a broom handle, and tying a piece of cloth or a plastic bag, or taping some newspaper over the magnet, (he just used whatever was to hand) then after "sweeping" he just pulled off the bag/cloth/newspaper and put it all into the bin.

I came across the idea of using a plastic bag several years ago on a machine shop blog (I think it was "Frets"). When my wife started discarding these empty lunch meat containers I latched onto them for shop storage. It didn't take long to make the connection. Their use just seemed to present the next step of improving a good idea.

Crunchy floors are bad.

Those filings and bits of steel don't go into the trash! Save a bucket full and add weight to the next truckload of scrap you haul off. Every pound counts , "Don't you know there is a war on?"

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