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I Forge Iron

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Hey yall,

I wasn't planning on buying a forge, seeing that I just built the forge of my dreams, but a deal came up that I couldn't give up.

A while back a friend of mine came over and watched me do some smithing, and he thought that he would like to do that, so he went out, bought a forge, blower,hammers tongs, and a anvil.

About a month after he bought all that, he came over for a lesson, so since he live about 2 hours away we worked about 10 hours in the shop, and the next day he was so sore he couldn't move, and decided that blacksmithing was TOOOO much work for him. Well the other day he called and asked if I wanted to buy all his blackmsmith tools, and for $265 I bought all of it.

The forge is a cast iron Champion with a clinker breaker, quench traugh, and metal "rack".

All I know about the Blower is that it is a Royal blower, Yall know any thing about those?????

The anvil is 100Lbs, and is (as far as I know) a Peter Wright, but on second thought it might be a Haybudden.

I have to go pick it up some time in the next 14 day's, with gas being what it is, I need to find more than one reason to drive an hour and a 3 hours there and back.

Now for Photo's

> <img src=

<a href=th_DSC00087.jpg'>

So I have a question on the forge.... Lets make that questions LOL.
#1 any idea what model it is?
#2 Why is the firepot higher than the "floor" of the forge?
#3 What is forge like this worth?

Thanks yall,


i dont know why the photos did not work for you but after a bit of searching i got a look at them over on photobucket
all i can say is its worth the trip even if you have to drive there backwards
well i hope that helps

I don't know squat about forges since I cobbled mine together from scrap, but it looks to me like the firepot should mount under the forge. That's a guess based on the flange around the top of the pot, but I could be wrong.


No idea what model it is but I like it!!! Makes me think there might be some upgrades to my Buffalo.
I would guess that the firepot is raised in order to control creepage and hold the coals together when building up to accomodate long lengths that span the width of the forge pan. I do the same thing with a 1/4x2" flatbar ring around my firepot.

I think if that pot was mounted on the bottom of the pan there would be a lot of black and red coal on the ground- lol

I wouldn't do it backwards but I would definitely be up for a half day drive to pick up that lot for $265!


Hey Bigred thank for putting the photo's on here, not sure why the didn't come up when I put them on the post I did it like I always do. hmmmm Backwards....... That would be an interesting drive LOL I know it is worth it the drive, but I have a friend who lives up that way and would like to incorporate a visit while I am up there.

I dont think the fire pot would mount to the bottom, notice how the side of the firepot matches the "cut out" on the side of the forge.

What do you mean by "creapage"???


I have my catalog from 1920 and will look at your forge. Get back to you on the model number..........................That fire pot sets on top.

The blower is the Canedy Otto make and Royal is the model name. I will include an attatchment for your blower question, if I can locate that. They have their problems, but then most blowers do have a weak point.

There is a picture here of an old ad from Champion and a similar forge. I'll search through my ads and catalog and post up a model number for you.




I have my catalog from 1920 and will look at your forge. Get back to you on the model number..........................That fire pot sets on top.

The blower is the Canedy Otto make and Royal is the model name. I will include an attatchment for your blower question, if I can locate that. They have their problems, but then most blowers do have a weak point.

There is a picture here of an old ad from Champion and a similar forge. I'll search through my ads and catalog and post up a model number for you.


I looked through my ads and catalog and found nothing just like yours. Similar, but not exact. I'd say it is an earlier model Champion, or a Buffalo forge.

Most of the Champions like that have a long cast iron arm at the right side which has a clamp for the blower at the end. It has a plate on the forge end which bolts to the base of the forge.


Here is the blower mounting for a champion forge. Yours has a square flange. I have never seen that on a Champion, but then again, champion made over 100 different forges



it can be a canedy otto rail road forge and blower. as for the fire pot it is one of two things one, not the original to the forge or two had a layer of fire brick or refractory cement in the bottom to bring the forge floor up to the edges of the fire pot. i'm going with it had fire brick on the floor to raise the floor hight two the eddges of the pot. a brick should fit under that lip on the right and left side of the pot. good find all well worth the drive. you should beable to get $400 to $500 out of the forge alone and about $600 to $700 with the blower if everything is good. i have seen the blowers alone go for $200 to $300. just finding the right buyer. i would keep it and build a trailer for the forge and anvil then you have a nice demo set up.


Great setup.

The forge definitely looks like it's missing its clay/cement lining. A layer of fire bricks and/or cement will prevent the cast iron from cracking due to differential heating.

And you got a steal of a deal. That anvil should easily fetch a dollar a pound, and the blower could get $200. Heck, just the forge by itself is worth what you paid for the whole kit!

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