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I Forge Iron

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It's been a little slow around here so I thought I'd take the plunge and build one of these ''coffee table'' forges............Anyhow my eye landed on a 12q SS cooking pot I've always hated cause it's too thin, from Wally World I think, and it liked to burn everything........Ya' wanna BURN you.............Ok, now you can burn to you're heart's content...... :wub:





Nice. What kind and where did you source the quick coupler?

It's a common air coupler.................No lectures please, I've been doing this for decades...................

Dangerous? Have you taken a close look at the inside of a blacksmith shop Nuge? I don't know where you could walk in mine without something waiting to get ya at one false step.

Good looking forge Bruce, I like SS for the shell as it's more IR reflective than mild steel. Would you mind running me through how you put your cross burner together? I've tried it a couple times but never got it to work well and I have the "T" configuration down and got to lazy to trouble shoot a cross.

Frosty the Lucky.


ditto for what frosty said
and i had no idea about the ss being more ir reflective now i need to go do a few more laps around the scrap yard next week


Sarcasm no come across? Didn't I say I was going to make a few whips with the aforementioned improper part? I'd like to make all my propane gear quick change, being hardwired in everywherere blows. It will be great to have leads out to a few differernt places and be more mobile. can't wait til I can get at it.


Well, I was gonna make a T burner but I didn't have one and reasoned the cross should work and it did. I couldn't get it to hold the flame at the tip on a trial run outside the box but when I inserted the burner it held. My other T burners have an .030 mig tip orafice but reckoned the cross with two intakes needed more fuel and put in a .035 which still seems a tad lean so I might try a .045 just to see what happens..........At any rate I didn't have to make one flamin' trip to the HW store to make the thing so im my book that's a good day! One nice thing about that pot is when the refractory needs replacing I just take out the 4 sheetmetal screws that hold on the lid and no prob........
Nudge, are you trying to start a hissy about my air couplers? Careful what you wish for..... :ph34r: :lol: In my defence I DO use real propane hose and I use only brass couplers for this. I was told I dunno, 25-30 years ago that the O rings in air couplers would break down if exposed to propane. Me being me, I decided to test this edict and if they're gonna fail they better get started cause I'm gettin' long in the tooth and would like to document this. Aside from getting them crossed up on ocasion which is pretty rare cause the two, air/propane are colored way different I haven't had any issues other than wondering why the.....my forge doesn't light or how come my die grinder stinks. Thanks Nudge..... :D


I didn't know there was enough pressure to run a die grinder.... You might be starting a trend mac- That crushed fire brick sure makes a nice heat, eh?


The grinder ran but it was real slow, along with the stink I think even the average mouth breather would have stopped to figgure it out....
I love crushed brick on the floor, simple to install or remove if it gets ruined by flux and worn out broken bricks become an asset by doing this. Just install a dam to keep em in.....


Sarcasm no come across? Didn't I say I was going to make a few whips with the aforementioned improper part? I'd like to make all my propane gear quick change, being hardwired in everywherere blows. It will be great to have leads out to a few differernt places and be more mobile. can't wait til I can get at it.


Frosty the Lucky.

I don't even try my burners outside a forge, I have a nice torch. I run 0.035" mig tips in my 3/4" burners and 0.045" mig tips in the 1" burners. I adjust induction by moving the tip closer or farther from the throat. (the smallest diameter of the tube right after the intakes.) The farther back the more air it'll induce and visa versa.

I'll need to start playing with Crosses again, I haven't moved the lathe into the new shop yet and the snow's still a couple feet deep around the Conex so it's snowed in. Nothing like winter for an excuse to avoid heavy lifting you know. <grin>

Frosty the Lucky.


I was going to use a stack of reducers to make a cross fitting work, but drilling and tapping the Tee was so easy...OK, the cross fitting, with a screw holding the jet, allows for very simple adjustment...

I don't need another burner right now though, I have 1 tuned extra with SS flare, and another complete extra burner.


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