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I Forge Iron

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I managed to find a champion blower. I'm headed to pick up the steel for my fire pot tomorrow. The rest of my forge is made of scraps I had on hand. My local ferrier supply has hooked me up with a deeply discounted 200 lb Smithy Special that they'll order with their shoe order so no shipping cost. After a year of searching for deals it is all coming together. Now if I can find some coal I'll just be waiting on the anvil to arrive to make some noise. Sorry just had to share my exitement.


Sounds like you'll be up and running real soon. That's a good thing. I'm sure that you will have a lot of fun getting set up and finally getting everything working. You need to plan on coming up north of you, a few miles, to Pinkneyville, ILL In August. Stan (aka trying-it) has a hammer-in at his shop, the third weekend of August. This year's dates are Aug 18th and 19th. It is held during the Thresherman's show. It's always a good time and you'll get to meet several of the guys from IFI there. Hope that you can make it up there. Welcome to IFI. :)


dont apologise! i love other peoples excitement - life is all about these moments, when "its all coming together!!!!" im very pleased for you and look forward to seeing what your going to make :)


Pictures will be a ways off. When I get the anvil in I'll shoot some pics of my dirt/gravel floor smithy complete with sagging roof and broken joists. :o


Quad-State is usually the last full weekend in September and held at the Miami County Fairgrounds in Troy Ohio, about 30 minutes north of Dayton OH.

I try to make it at least every other year but it is a bit of a drive from here in New Mexico---close to 1500 miles with the mandatory detours to visit the grandkids along the way.

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