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Hi all,

thought I'd post this as I don't see too many European anvils creeping around here too often. Here are a couple of the ones I currently have. These two I suspect I shall have for some time, as they are both work horses. I have a few others that are at another location that I did not yet take pics of. They are mostly German ones there, a few pretty decorated ones, and some nicer stake anvils. all of my anvils are forged.

The double horned German one with upsetting block weighs in at 431# and is my main shop anvil. It is a joy to work on, for one, it's 431# which means a lot more energy goes into the work per each blow. Th Germans really knew what they were doing-it has a top tool steel plate from horn to horn-not just the face. this means that forging on the horn actually has a good rebound as well. The upsetting block makes everything even more stable and does exactly what it was intended to do.


The German one with Church windows and stepped feet, by our best guess is from around the 1890's. It weighs in at 389# and has a cast stand that is an additional 150#. I just picked it up this past Wed from part of a trade, and I have to say it is a real treat to work on. I cannot describe the rebound, except to say that when forging, it "whips" the hammer back at you and allows you to exert less effort than you normally would have to. the angled table allows you to draw over the edge very quickly with minimal cleanup afterwords. It too has a plate from horn to heel, and the edges are very crisp. looking closely, you can see the scarfs where the steps and the nose of the windows was forge welded on.

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Time permitting I'll go to storage and snap pics of what I have there. I have a few similar ones, and an almost matching one of the German with CW's only it is hornless, but roughly the same weight. attached is a pic.


Lastly, I am importing 8-12 anvils this year from Austria. I will be keeping several as well as get some people here stateside hooked up with these wonderful tools. it'll be about a 50/50 mix of anvils that are real work horses, and anvils that are strictly pretty ones to collect. the last pic is a sneak peak of a few I'll be bringing over.

The bottom one is a 550# Austrian with stepped feet that is dated 1887. the one on top to the left is a Polish one- 88# dated 1826 with beautiful punched and chiseled ornamentation. the other one on top to the right is a 154# Austrian with church windows and stepped feet.

emeral anvils2.bmp

Let me know what you think, and let's see some of your European anvils too.



Haha, you'd think. Nah, I appreciate them as a functional tool(and sometimes art), as a testament to the tradespeople who forged them, and a collectible item. all the stuff that I bought down there has since been repaired and sold off to people I have taught and who wanted a basic smithing startup kit. I buy dime a dozen anvils for that reason, and don't make much at all selling them-I'd prefer to not make money and have the craft thrive more. The European ones are a different story,I too collect anvils, and use them, and have paid top dollar for European ones in the past. They are a great investment, not only as a tool, but as a collectible item. However, do not expect them to come cheap.

George-if ever you're in the Milwaukee area swing on by and we'll make them sing. I'd love to chat with you again.



I got my church window anvil done out of sheet
What is your email address again and I will send you a picture.
I wiped it down with acid and is sprinkled over night then it looked like a pumpkin but I have it oiled and it looks nice.
I will have it this weenend at Scout Co IA or next forging on the river in Memphis or BAM or later at ABANA


Brian, come on up to Milw and we'll see what we can do. :P I'll hopefully have around 8 of them coming with me to ABANNA this summer, so you can drool over them there.

Rodger- my email is aaron cergol *at* hotmail *dot* com (no spaces) I'm looking forward to seeing it how it turned out. Perhaps I'll have to copy you and make one of there into a sheet metal one.

Vaughn-shoot me an email and we'll talk. as mentioned I have some coming over the pond soon enough, and you'd be surprised how cheap shipping can be. Otherwise, I'm going to be at all sorts of events this summer, and if you or one of your friends will be at any of them, I can have it transported to you that way.

Harold-I've felt that same feeling more than once. Frustrating at times, but it only means something better is bound to come along




Are you active in UMBA or IVBA? I don't recognize your name, though that doesn't mean we haven't met at some point. I'm in Beloit so Milwaukee isn't too far a drive. Those old European anvils certainly are beautiful, but my shop is plum full as it is. I had to move stuff out of my shop to get my latest anvil in. You can find pictures of it in this section from a few months back.



Brian, I now know to bring all them. I will have pics up tomorrow of the infamous cross pein, as well as some other ones we've been making. I shall bring it, I'd be honored to strike for you guys again, it'd be the least I could do. I got a gorgeous chasing hammer from Brent too. it's a swell little hammer.

Sask Mark-I have nothing on ebay (at the moment at least) but keep your eyes peeled in a few months.

Patrick, were you at QS with a induction forge setup? at any rate, you are more than welcome to swing by sometime. just shoot me an email.


Sask Mark, I did like you and thought they were his too. Lot of European iron up for bid on eBay right now and I thought that old ancient German anvil was one of the ones pictured here but it sure ain't. Nice anvils you brought back.

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