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I Forge Iron

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Here is the latch that I was making when it grabed my finger and resulted in the 7 stitches. It goes on the doors of a 48"dia x 48"lg cooker with an internal rotisserie for roasting corn and the like. (expensive little latch!)


Also made the door pulls, (no body parts were harmed during the making of the door pulls)



Sorry about your misfortune. Seems like things really come out nice when you put you blood and sweat into them. Love to see the whole cooker

They're nice. how do they attach?

I TIG welded 2ea 1/4" bolts to the backs of each, cut the heads off so they will fit tight.

Sorry about your misfortune. Seems like things really come out nice when you put you blood and sweat into them. Love to see the whole cooker

The cooker is still in production, being built by my suprv. at work. When he finishes it I will post a pic or 2. Unfortunatly there was more blood the sweat on this project!

John B, He is definitely NOT vegetarian...and he doesn't know how I got the stitches, he doesn't have to know everything!

Mr. Turley, Sorry, it's a barrel bolt. My supervisor called it a latch and that stuck in my head.


Actually it is soot from the weld. Happens if there is any scale left from the forge and evidently there was some even tho I did buff it....clamped securely in the vise and using a slower buffer! I was able to get it all off with a small hand brush. From the blood still on the floor by the grinder that thing should have been RED! Once cleaned good I heated with a torch til blue and then several coats of clear varnish.

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