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I Forge Iron

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this was made for a friends wedding present. wasnt so sure on the finish i did in the end. the black is matt paint and the silver is just bare metal. think i needed to be a bit more refined with it......




You'll need to coat that bare metal with something. Go over the black with clear coat. I would polish the bare metal a bit first though.

The entire thing is awesome. My only thought would be maybe it would take up too much wall space. However if the person it is made for has the wall space, it will be the eyecatcher of the entire room.


thanks, yeah i told her to maybe put something ont he silver bits. she has a farm house so it will fit nicely. thanks,im going to try and do a similar one with more vine like protrusions for my stair way as i have some height to play with. think il need some wider stock to start it with though.


That turned out awesome! I like the details on the ends.


It's a great piece of work! If you want to refine the finish how about tinning the silvery parts? You could even tin the whole thing and then paint the dark areas over the tin. An even simpler way would be to use a metallic spray paint on the silver parts.

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