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I Forge Iron

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lovely yesteryear - there are animals all over the forum today! i particularly like how youve left that square section behind the head, ive never seen that and i think it works well on this. really nice job, i need to get my skills honed on these animal heads, they are very appealing :) thanks for posting :)


Thanks Beth
It started out with the thought of being a fireplace poker but they can get kind of boring.
So I thought I would let it go where it wanted to go and this is where it ended up.
If I ever get a craving for Goats Head soup i'll have a use specific utensil to stir and serve it with :)


yeah well thats why it worked so well - you let it go where it wanted to. i have just done the same thing with a piece of lead that i had a certain idea about, but it wanted to do something else, and now im quite taken with it. i wont post it, its irrelevent here like so much of what i do!!

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