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I'm surprised Jesse J. blacksmithing debut in smithing has'nt been posted yet. I always enjoyed Russell Jaqua's quote that blacksmith's are the Hells Angels of the metal word! How bout Larry's hammer cameo? I remember him carrying that thing out in the mud with the flu! Jesse's hand crafted a bike is a inspiration to myself and almost 5 million people that tuned in, but wonder if pop culture will embrace people who build or those who do prop work?



Dillon, Your right on! Loved Jesse bike and it was the one I voted for. Paul Jr. is a cake decorator. He does make some nice art bikes but they are all show and no go.

I would like to her more about Jesse's 2 years studying blacksmithing and what he plans to do with it.


He actually said 2 years ago he studied with Uri Hofi, he did not state 2 years training.


results got under my skin. Jesse hand crafted every part on that bike. hand bent SS frame. and did yall see the leaf he forged for the brake pedal. but no jr. takes it with a take on a plane. dont get me wrong it was pretty, but did you see the rivot coming apart at the end of the results show. yea Jesse was right that bike wouldnt make it home... from its couch


J.J. attitude towards craftsmanship and the strong work ethic is the message that is important to me and our craft, all the rest is for ratings. I am hopeful people get a insight into our world as metalworkers and can appreciate the work a bit more. Here is another craftsman at work in a interesting micro social environment which I am also hopeful will catch on.



"I'm gonna make a motorcycle themed motorcycle". Thats funny.

From an aesthetic standpoint I found the riveted bike to be, uh, ugly. The whole genre seems to have run it's course.

Makes me think about art and decoration in my life. Most everything around our house is useful save for a few paintings and photo's. Funny how I spend my time making things pretty and all I want is things that do something.

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