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I Forge Iron

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Hi folks, i picked up this anvil from a scrap dealer relatively cheap - The condition is poor - some weld marks - all the edges are rounded off from use - the surface is dipped from wear, It does however ring at a deafening pitch for such a tiny anvil - and throws a hammer back at me like its trying to start a fight. - So i can see why it was clearly used allot.

When i purchased this i took a wire brush and grinder to the sides to disern if what i thought was pitting was just built up muck on the sides - there where no clear makers marks and ive given it a coat in some hammerite to keep the rust from takeing back residence. - ive cleaned up the surface some and taken some pics with some measurements.

Diameter of the face - 3.5 inches
Lenght horntip -butt - 20 inches
Dia of base - 8Inchesx9inches

Weight - between 50/75lbs

So - can anyone help me identify this please? - after a little image comparrison i have a suspision that this might be allot older than i first assumed - and could be a William Foster wrought iron - as the pattern looks very simmilar indeed.

Any advice would be welcome ! - im loath to do much more heavy duty cleaning or re-conditioning untill im sure im not going to butcher a collectable.



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Kendall, it looks like it could still be a very serviceable anvil. The edges do not have to be sharp. If I need a pretty sharp edge for a square corner i use the jaws of my leg vice. Not sure what you paid, exactly, but it seems that you were satisfied with the price. I would use it as is and don't forget hearing protection. :)


A lot of the old english anvils look very much the same throughout the over 250 different manufacturers identified so far.

The face looks quite good for an older anvil---that's a real user! (Small anvils tend to have a harder face than large ones so it shooting the hammer back at you is a good sign!)


Im pleased knowledgable folks think its useable - ive only done some light forging on it - but with the bounce, ive been able to draw out fairly 'chunky' stock without much effort.


Early Part of the 19th century English. Are you sure that is not a coating on the anvil?

I tried to gently take a small grinder to some of it to see if it was - its steel - just either very pitted - or roughly cast.

That anvil is forged from wrought iron not cast. it was actually built up by forge welding from several pieces iron then a steel face was applied also by forge welding. There is a book called the Mousehole forge by Richard Postman that describes how anvils of this kind were made. I suspect that it sat partially buried for some time to get that surface texture.

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