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Can someone explain how you make a guard (metal) on a full tang blade? Maybe show some pictures so I can figure it out. The knives I have seen with them don't show a good angle of the guard itself. It appears the guard wraps around like on a short tang, fitted with hole in middle. That can't be with a full tang right?
I just finished a file knife and have 2 full tangs I have waiting in the wings and am unsure which way to go... metal guard or wood with no specific metal guard added. One is a kitchen knife the other a hunter. thanks



I have the 50$ knife shop. Couldn't find the complete bladesmith and wanted to see it before buying it. It doesn't explain guards on a full tang. I will continue my search thanks.


You should be able to ILL the Complete Bladesmith at your local public library; at least the one here can ILL books for me that are rare and hard to find and we're in rural NM!


Can download both bladesmiths and others at XXXXXXXXX.

Staff note: ref. removed, because we do not condone illegal activity nor theft of copyrighted material. Especially when its one of our members being robbed.


Sorry, are we talking full tang or hidden tang. Full tangs don't have guards - have bolsters that are pinned on.

Mod note: this is incorrect also, Please, in the future try to separate your personal preferences from reality before posting.


At times there are a lot of ways to find information on the net that will not cast you a cent. Like in the link above. And whether you do that or not is certainly your choice. I feel that it is theft. Not a legal opinion, just mine. Think of it this way, what if yoiu worked for most of your life and wanted to share the information with everyone. Would you desire to have a few bucks from the sale of your work in print or would you rather see it given away?
I am one of those that can learn a lot about how to do things by reading and that is wot keeps me in here most days to learn more about wot is offered by those with knowledge I am lacking. There is at least one of the authors of an above book that comes in here often and shares for free information with us.
Do as you wish, I will support thsoe folks and share a buck or two with them. That thought avbove about going to the library is wonderful, consider it like a test drive on a vehicle before youi buy. Or decide it is not for you.


A photograph would help make sure that we are all talking about the same challenge.

For a full-length tang that is only visible at the end, the tang passes through a hole in the handle and fastened at the end either threaded or peened at the end. The tang passes through a slot in the guard, and the end of the tang can be attached after the guard is in place if you are careful not to allow the temperature during the attachment, to travel up to the blade.

For a half-length hidden tang, then I suggest rivets and epoxy.

For a full-length full and visible tang, then a slot in the guard is likely the method that I would suggest.


I exchanged a couple PMs with Dave, but for the benefit of others who may not be familiar with them, I'll expand a little on my earlier comment about frame handles. A frame handle give the appearance of a full tang with pinned-on scales, but allows you to use the same style guard you'd use on a through tang design. Here's a series of photos that show how it's done.


You could of course make the tang considerably beefier than the one shown in those photos.


Rich I am not into stealing either. I don't have a problem buying the books just want to see it before I purchase. Especially via amazon and such. It may not have the info in it I am searching for, but truthfully I probably need all of them. I just need to pick and chose where I spend my $$ as I am just starting and need everything.
I ask questions here and very much appreciate the responses.
Matt is right on with what I was trying to figure out and doing a poor job of explaining. I wanted to know how the guard was on the frame handle and looked so perfectly fit but didn't know it was a frame handle (or what a frame handle was for that matter). My lack of experience and terminology shows. Sorry for the confusion.
Thanks for all the replies.


RAnger io did not think you were stealing that info. It was a general comment on my thoughts about those methods that allow that. Matt has given you great advice. Think about the K and G catalog and ILL from your library to help with your needs before spending a bit of $$$

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