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Whats just the frame for a Little Giant 50 New Style worth? I saw one, well I think it was one. What might it be worth in conditions from A to C? A good no cracks, C would be scapped.


It could be worth a lot if you had the rest of the parts and a broke frame. Some old stye parts will work on that frame, but you must have the new style ram and guides. The whole top assembly will work fine even the arms will work with some custom made toggle links. Die aliginment can be an issue.


Like $1,250 if its good? And can you fix a cracked frame? I've done some reading lately and I read somewhere that you can fix a small crack, but its really, really expensive.


YOu need more information...There is a serial number on the side of the frame. You need that and a examination of the frame looking for cracks. Contact Sid Sudemeir in Nebraska and he will tell youi if it is old or newe style what size hammer it is. He has the logs and shipping information by the numbers.
He may even tell you a rough guess of value. But only if you know more about it. He may also know a buyer or you can post it on here in tailgating section with a set of really good pics.


Yeah, your question is to vague to really give a good answer... I paid $400 for what turned out to be a perfect complete little giant site unseen.... I paid $1650 for a 50lb little giant just seeing pictures and it turned out if I had seen it first I wouldn't probably have paid $500

It depends on how much is there, what the condition is of whats there... Its worth anything from a couple hundred bucks to a couple of grand (you say a frame, but I assume its not a completely stripped frame casting)


There is a fellow out here that makes air hammers from old LG frames, just mounts the cylinder on the front in place of the top die system so as long as it's uncracked it still has some value even with the moving system trashed.

Cracked, well a lot depends on where the crack is...


Can you fix a small crack in the frame right their? (Where the wedge goes into the slot to wedge the sow block into place.) I talked to a machinest and he said he can fix it, but it'd cost almost as much as it'd be to find another hammer


Hayden = your not being to clear on your questions, Are you saying it does have cracks? if so, were? Tell us more info on what you saw, other wise it's a shot in the dark as to what it's worth. Is it just a stripped down frame? no other parts? Some parts? info, info , info is needed to answer you.


What I think I saw was a straight frame nothing more. If say theirs a hair-line crack in the frame next to the sow-block wedge slot, does it affect the operation at all? Can it be fixed. From what I've read that meant the wedges were put in with extreme force, and is somewhat common on Little Giants.


If it's a new style as you said it will have a sow block that can be replaced. I think Sid has new ones for around $600. If the frame is cracked where the sow block wedges in the frame I have fixed those without much trouble. No welding or banding, just drilling, counter boring, and tapping


So like a hair crack next to the sow block wedge area isn't really a problem? I figured you'd have to braze or weld a new peice in. Learn something new everyday around here

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