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I Forge Iron

Help - Ideas About New Forge


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Howdy Folks I am working on getting a new propane forge for are High School metal shop.
What they have now is a Johnson's trench forge 4" w x 3' L x 6" deep aprox, alot of schools have these
why I don't know there not a very usable teaching forge, they also have a Johnsons round type forge
for melting alum witch they use often there getting a new one of those on order, :)
SO wile the Iron's hot, so to speak were gonna see if we can replace the trench forge or add another forge next to it

Now what I THINK I am looking for is a CLAM style forge with 3 sides open we can use fire brick as doors, size of the forge is not a problem ! the amount of propane supply used is not a problem ! It does Need Safety stuff cause its a high school 9 to 12 grade's

ANY Info on who make's this kind of forge ??? or any Ideas on something better Idd didn't think of
is WELCOME !!! This is not wrote in stone its just a start

Thanks Steve @ Steves Welding & Blacksmithing
EM# [email protected]

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OOOOOps! I put this information together before you posted that you required it to be blower driven.

This information may be at least interesting to you, but not blower driven.
I would talk to Dennis at Diamondback Ironworks for ideas. He is a very sharp forge builder.

Last year I bought a Metal Artist 2-burner Forge with an Idler Valve Kit.
It opens up into a clam shell design (three sides). Or you can close it down to use as a knife makers forge if you like.
Check it out here.

Or, to see it in operation; Open You Tube, and search for “My new Diamondback Forge
You will see it in action!

The best to you!
Ted Throckmorton

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Johnson Appliance makes new forges and buying from a long established company eases insurance and liability woes. We didn't have a Johnson trench forge in school, we had a largish box forge on a pipe pedestal at low eye level. We also had a Johnson melting furnace for casting aluminum and up to bronze.

Heck, if you talk to them Johnson might give you trade credit in on the old forge, not to mention Johnson forges are in all those schools because they gave schools a break on the price.

It'll be A LOT easier to get a Johnson or NC past the folk who approve these things. Nobody is going to allow a home made or lesser known product in a classroom with the children.

Frosty the Lucky.

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