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I have been looking for people to work with so far I have found people interested in having me come out and work, but they seem to have extenuating circumstances, like heading to finland for 2 weeks pretty soon.
or not having somewhere for me to stay I dont minding living in a tent of course I would need to buy one lol after a month that might be pretty rough, depending on the weather and how I would eat. at this point I realize the more stuff I aquire the more I need to get rid of and I dont really want to spend money on things like that.
all I have is clothes tools and a video camera.

if anyone has work that could use me I am willing to work, I am asking for room and board not money
I have a "piece there of" of the knowledge I dont claim to be able to do everything but I will put in my best effort, and do what I can

I am currently located in brandon ms and have been learning from brian and lyle for over a month now, I am willing to head anywhere to forge and would like to be put to work producing something.

Untill someone is definate in wanting me to come I will concider myself with no where to go.
I am a good natured person and am capable with getting along with pretty much anyone


Hello there,
I'd strongly suggest going to the abana website, going to the member website list, and cold calling anyone whose work you find captivating. This is how I ended up working for samuel yellin metalworkers, and as a result where I still get most of my work from(clare). I had been working structrual steel but knew I wanted to move into architectural forgework but had no Idea how to make the transition. I had thought about calling all of the forge/ fab shops in the area, to get hired, and then glean some skills to move up to a high end shop, but after talking to some of the local um, "talent" , I realized I should start trying at the top and work my way down. Thusly being , of course, aware of the yellin shop, I cold called them, I went out there, and about a week later, and was hired on the spot.No experiance required.I still work with clare, and am in the unique position of being able to have full access to the yellin archives. Best of luck, Matt


the idea is to travel around and learn from as many people as possible, because you have no idea what you might have to do means you have to adapt, I am sure I can do what is asked of me maybe not on the first try but I will get it done

the reality is that everyone out there does things differently, from what I have seen people do what they do and they stick to it

the traditional journeyman thing to do is to travel around and see and learn many things to perfect over many years.

I am looking for people to work with, and I do realize this probley isnt the best place to ask because this mostly a hobbiest website.

I figured it wouldnt bother to ask.

gotta try all avenues.. somehow it will all work out because I wont stop trying until it does


I was impressed with the amount of knowledge Bryce carries around in his head. He has worked with some impressive people. He has worked in blacksmith shops and fabrication shops and has the opinion that they can go together harmoniously to produce what people want very economically. For someone out there that needs another set of hands to do some nice metal work, you have an oppurtunity to get some good help. He has a plan, and is seeking all the avenues to help bring it together. Forging is only a part of it, he is a good smith. He is learning different things, the things that take a while to perfect he is learning the steps so he can work on them once he has time. I envy his journey.


same here LDW< i envy his Journey as well...

I found blacksmithing a little too late to pursue with abandon, too much for me to lose to gamble making a living at it for now...:)

Here's to ya Man! and Good Luck at it!


Thanks guys, Brian karen and lyle are some of the nicest people around, I had some missconceptions about mississippi and some of them were true!
brian is a great smith he does what he does and does it better than anyone I have ever seen.
lyle is the one with the information in his head he must have twice as much as I do, he has done everything he ever wanted to from cloggin to gator hunting, lyle has busted his butt working with brian and learned a huge amount he isnt to shy to point out when I am doing it wrong either lol

I have been very fortunate to do this, I keep telling myself this is only the begining and i know that is true because its always the begining if you have no idea where your at, I always knew I wanted to work and have my own shop doing this. learning how to do it effectively and then making a living is another thing.

this isnt a job its a lifestyle, when I make things for myself I do whatever I want.

when I make things to make a living I have to please the customer and make money


Ok, got a canoe?

How much is a ticket to here?

its probley about a grand

same as prague

I am currently debating about 7 possible solutions
3 of them involve working with people i have talked to
1 involves a quick trip home to make some money then stia
1 I could head to england in july my cousin is moving there
I could head to a country where i know no one and dont speak the language

Bryce,very interesting topic,journeyman-ship in general,and your desire/possibilities in particular.
I've not much of substance to contribute(unless you want to spend some time here,in my shop,to which you're entirely welcome anytime(google Galena,Alaska,USA)).
BUT,i'd like to (shamelessly)use this topic as an opporunity to air a few things that i wanted to bring up,but didn't quite know how(still don't).
Anyhoo:Wether this forum is about "hobbyist" or what,one thing puzzles me-terrible dearth of SUBSTENCE,in any and all of it's manifestations.
Very little work is being shown-are you guys doing any forging,or just discussing brands of anvils,and such-like peripheral issues,here?
Lupiphile,you work with/for/around Clare,care to post some work,recent or otherwise?
If i was in Bryce's shoes,i'd like to see what people actually do,needless to say that it would make all the decisions about where to go quite different-everyone works in such different ways.
So,can we see some work,please?And,hopefully,discuss it,the ins and outs of it,in detail?
This here internet is such a cool deal,it doesn't seem like we do it justice.
Work posted is 90+% by beginners,bless them,because without them we'd have no discussion here at all.
Where are you,all the moderately experienced smiths,what are you working at,and(very important to me,personally)WHY do you choose to work in that particular way/material/et c.
Pardon the seeming abruptness,no offence meant,but i am greatly puzzled as far as the great,predominating VACUOUSNESS of postings.


Ok. Check out my website with the pittyful few pics I have after a 17 year biz, www arnoldanvilblacksmiths.com.. I am currently working alone. work has been so slow I had to lay off my shadow. That can change very soon, as I just bid on a rather large job. and may send out sample scrolls for sub contract work. Good luck , man, I wish I had a job for you now. I extend an invite to come to Baton Rouge. Its always open forges here.


its probley about a grand

same as prague

I am currently debating about 7 possible solutions
3 of them involve working with people i have talked to
1 involves a quick trip home to make some money then stia
1 I could head to england in july my cousin is moving there
I could head to a country where i know no one and dont speak the language

Oh cool, then come to australia. Roof and food, a lacky, and a bitta cash sometimes.


Ok. Check out my website with the pittyful few pics I have after a 17 year biz, www arnoldanvilblacksmiths.com.. I am currently working alone. work has been so slow I had to lay off my shadow. That can change very soon, as I just bid on a rather large job. and may send out sample scrolls for sub contract work. Good luck , man, I wish I had a job for you now. I extend an invite to come to Baton Rouge. Its always open forges here.

that one gate is pretty impressive you have done some nice work at your shop.
I hear you about the work being slow numerous people have told me that they would have me come out if they had work.
its all going to work out somehow

I am still waiting to figure out what to do, I am in limbo for now

since your the closest person to me and it wouldnt cost much to get there it might not be a bad idea.

I am waiting to hear back once I know what is happening with others then I make my move

just to add to the confusion i put a bid on something 8 months ago and now they emailed me back

Oh cool, then come to australia. Roof and food, a lacky, and a bitta cash sometimes.


sounds good too

never been to austrailia either

eventually I figure I will get everywhere, this is round one once all the money I saved is gone and I decide to go home and stay for awhile with no plan to leave its over.

after that I would plan on doing a couple projects and then get out there again...

canada doesnt have much to offer me besides a good income in the vancouver area there are lots of rich people and very few people who do blacksmithing of any quality, or at least I havent found them.

if they were there and had work I probley wouldnt be doing this, so its a double edged blade in my mind it wasnt really a choice but the only option if I wanted to really learn

Bryce,very interesting topic,journeyman-ship in general,and your desire/possibilities in particular.
I've not much of substance to contribute(unless you want to spend some time here,in my shop,to which you're entirely welcome anytime(google Galena,Alaska,USA)).
BUT,i'd like to (shamelessly)use this topic as an opporunity to air a few things that i wanted to bring up,but didn't quite know how(still don't).
Anyhoo:Wether this forum is about "hobbyist" or what,one thing puzzles me-terrible dearth of SUBSTENCE,in any and all of it's manifestations.
Very little work is being shown-are you guys doing any forging,or just discussing brands of anvils,and such-like peripheral issues,here?
Lupiphile,you work with/for/around Clare,care to post some work,recent or otherwise?
If i was in Bryce's shoes,i'd like to see what people actually do,needless to say that it would make all the decisions about where to go quite different-everyone works in such different ways.
So,can we see some work,please?And,hopefully,discuss it,the ins and outs of it,in detail?
This here internet is such a cool deal,it doesn't seem like we do it justice.
Work posted is 90+% by beginners,bless them,because without them we'd have no discussion here at all.
Where are you,all the moderately experienced smiths,what are you working at,and(very important to me,personally)WHY do you choose to work in that particular way/material/et c.
Pardon the seeming abruptness,no offence meant,but i am greatly puzzled as far as the great,predominating VACUOUSNESS of postings.

I have to say if you're one of those folks who doesn't make blades, it would be because you hold the sword of truth.

.......Pardon the seeming abruptness,no offence meant,but i am greatly puzzled as far as the great,predominating VACUOUSNESS of postings. Respect,Jake

There were internationally known master smiths posting to this forum, examples are Hofi and JPH. If you check the reactions and less than pleasant comments directed towards them, you will likely see why they stopped or decreased their postings.

i would love to look at more work on here - actual projects at different stages - i will certainly try to (after jakes very true words) get some photos taken of what amateurish stuff i have done of late and then i cant complain when others dont bother can i? all you pro guys tho, you wont hear any 'less than pleasant comments' from me, its why i look on here - to get better depth of knowledge with what im trying to do.


Very true,Beth,and yes,please show some of your work,and,if you'll feel like it,talk about it a bit too.

Anvilflower,i'm personally absolutely unaware of any discoutesy toward anyone,really,on this site.I always found people here too polite,if anything,and very uniformly so.I must've missed something.
Still,i hope that a few immature or in some other way unpleasant comments will not prevent us from having a constructive discourse.


My wife, and the better half of our LLC READ the terms of IFI membership and we have been careful to never be seen advertising here. You asked. That opened a whole sumethin new! Pictures of my rusty mess are in IFI gallery, "A SMITHY" posted by Joshua M. There are many shots I filled a diggy camera for the lad to have and post those pics. Sorry Glenn we didn't mean to break the rules. I think IFI is a brain pool that could in co- orperation make a corporation and make lots of cash. Hire Americans , and efficiently make a product that ALL refinerys and chemical plants need. Hammer wrenches, all bolt sizes in mild steel and non sparking yellow brass. The safety departments dumpster ALL mushroomed and chipped wrenches. So much talent here, lets discuss it , Please, Can we move on from posting pics and getting compliments?


I try and post mostly pictures, sometimes with not much response, here is one that was passed over, took it to Grants site for a spell. Bob and I had a bit of a chat but not any profound thoughts on the work at hand, the work was latter posted as Poke and Slice which I have finally named Artiglio.
Lets see what you all got!


I commend you on your efforts and hope you find your next place of education. I wish I had a place for you to stay and some $ to pay, maybe soon.


Wonderful,Old'n'Rusty,there's a great deal to what you've said,thank you.

I must apologise for totally overlooking the whole "advertisement" issue.Never thought of it that way.But seems like this site is specifically purposed toward one craftsman exchanging views/techniques with another,and certainly some things discussed will be something that we sell to make a living(forging is my only monetary income),but it's allowed,isn't it?

And speaking of that,i also think that you're very astute to bring up "jobs":Forging is in trouble,and the poor economy is not the only cause.I think that we,the blacksmiths,have been dropping the ball on quality,and also on keeping the metalwork current.Not keeping up with the customer because we neglect to educate the customer in what is good in forged work.

But,i've messed with Bryce's thread enough.Let's start discussing all these urgently necessary issues elsewhere.Thanks again,everyone.


Michael,yes,you're one of the people that consistently post some VERY significant work.
I'm sorry for my part in not commenting on it.Your architectural stuff is far outside my scope and expertise.And your sculpture is also,in a different way.
Often,i felt uncomfortable for my silence,but not having anything of substance to say,didn't want to add any idle chatter.
You've my bottomless respect for doing what you do.I'm not good enough with words to express it,as it's simply too far from my own relationship with iron.
I do read your posts with great interest,always.Here and on the NWBA site as well.

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