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I Forge Iron

Rochester New York

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Hello everyone, I have found the NYSDBA group and if I can I hope to make the next meeting. But I was wondering if there is anyone around this area that likes to light the forge up on the weekends and forge for fun and wouldn't mind some one hanging out some time. I'm in town for a summer job and just looking to do a little forging or metal work. I am glad to swing a sledge hammer!


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Hey welcome.... we meet in Marion, about 25 minutes east of rochacha, every 3rd saturday. I'm starting a new job so my extra forging time is being a bit limited, but if you make the meeting, we can talk about times to get some extra hammerin in!!

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  • 1 year later...

Memories! Here I am on a promo poster in 1974, demonstrating at R.I.T. "School for American Craftsmen."

By the way, I'll be demonstrating for the Northwest Blacksmiths at Ashokan Field Campus, New York, for their Spring meet, May 3-4-5. 2013. Contact Jonathan Nedbor [email protected].
can't wait to see you there that's my group.
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