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I Forge Iron

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Hello everyone. I'm really new to the world of blacksmithing, because of the burn ban in SW OK I haven't even been able to light my forge yet. A friend of my step-dad was cleaning out things from her sons shop and I got the chance to get his old anvil, blower, and two coal forges. I have always been interested in what I thought was a dying art, but sites like this one have shown me that was wrong. I have been spending most of my time reading all available material, and gathering basic tools since I can't light up. Any help and/or advice would be greatly appreciated.


Hey Silverker,

Welcome to IFI. Lots of great info and people here to help you get started. Never be afraid to ask a question that you may have. You will most always get an answer. As in life it may not be the one you want, but you will hear something. You will get some opinions too.
Pull up a stump and sit a spell.



Howdy! I get out to Altus every year or two to visit kinfolk. The old family farm was near Humphrey's Gin.

I'm currently in NM and one of the things I have had to do with so many burn ban days was finally to go to propane for most of my forging.


Howdy from East TEXAS!! and welcome to IFI! Check out the Saltfork Craftsmen Artist Blacksmith Assoc. http://www.saltforkcraftsment.org It is the ABANA affiliate for OK and if you so desire can go to a meeting nearly every Sat of the month...of course there is some travel time involved as we have the state devided into 4 regions; Northwest, South Central, Northeast and Southeast. You can check the web site to find a meeting near you for and then GO! Always enjoy having new folks and this is a great time to learn from some great smiths. Enjoy this site and again welcome.


I'm actually in Hobart, OK. I lived in Altus for a number of years, but moved back home because of my job. I received some of Saltfork Craftsmen's news letters from '03-'08 when I got my equip. It was kinda of a bonus, but an excellent one. I've given a lot of thought to joining, just haven't yet.

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