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hey guys i found this trip hammer for sale it is $500, it not working and will have to be rebuilt and a new motor added. Is this a good buy at the price for a project hammer/first trip hammer????? Keep in mind i do not mind a long project on this but dont wanna waste cash on a never going to work hammer







I'm sure that it would clean up and work just fine. But I spent some time looking for parts, (read- scrounging), and built my tire hammer for about $50. If you don't have the time to build your own, this one should clean up nicely. My 2 cents. :D


looks like it will work with enough love, but I'd work on that price if you can. Shoot for half that price is more reasonable I think. Of course I would buy it anyway but I'm goofy that way.

Its going to need some decent welding to get it back strong...


I'd walk away from that one. It looks like more of a project than its worth....Looks like all the bends on the arms have been welded....and no motor.... I wonder why..... A little light perhaps....


Id offer the guy $200 take it or leave it. Its a good platform to get you started on making what could be a nice hammer. However $500 seems high due to what its going to take to make it usable. Give him your offer and a phone number, he will probly give you a call.


There are too many bits of bracing on this and to get it back to a proper state would time consuming. I would offer him 150 and tell him he could have the first candle holder that is made from it.


In my humble opinion, if you are a good scrounger and have fabrication equipment and skills, you would do better to spend you money and time building a rusty type (helve spring) or tire hammer. You won't spend much more (if any) money and will have a much better tool for forging.


it looks like it will need a lot of work first can you weld because it is going to have to be broken down and reworked. the connection between the hammer and base looks like it was steel to cast iron frame. I would agree with curly george looks like more trouble than its worth


Have you thought about buying it and then blindfolding yourself, turning in a circle, and then welding more bracing on? LOL That's what it looks like the last user did!

I'd like to have project hammers (or other smithing related equipment) around just to work on if I had spare parts or was just bored. However, I wouldn't pa $500 for a long project hammer.

Build or keep looking! That's my advice!


500.00 will build a real nice tire hammer,thats counting the gas money to drive around and scrounge for parts........... no way I would buy that if I was looking for functional hammer.


actually taking a closer look, if someone gave me that, I wouldnt even mess with rebuilding it.............

I found pix of the tire hammer at practicalmachinist.com , but no plans. I was going to pass them along .....................
Maybe you know?
It looks like the perfect low budget tyro hammer........mb

I was never able to find any actuall plans, just a ton of pics............. I never was able to find any plans at all that werent for sale that is absolutely no free ones out there that I could find, but its a fairly strait forward and simple concept, so I didnt look long. The pics posted here of whatever this thing is appear that they are pretty much on the same concept, the frame work just all seems a bit chancy to me, but I am the first to admit I over build most anything.......... ecspecially things that slam up and down with that much force right in front of me.
Maybe the "I wouldnt even mess with rebuilding it" statement was a bit harsh, let me refraise that......... If it was givin to me, and I had a motor handy, I would slap it together to see what it does, but no way id spend any significant money on it. Now if you were interested in building a tire hammer, and you could get it for cheap, and I mean really cheap, then there may be some parts on it worth salvaging.


I just sold my 25#LG for twice that and it was a lot better deal than that. Take the $500 and start off with some decent scrap and build your own hammer rather than inherit someone else's problems. Like suggested build a "Rusty" or a Kenyon style air hammer. There are better uses of $500 than that poor thing. <_<


No free tire hammer plans! That's good! When you buy the plans you agree not to give them, loan them, or copy them ever at all for anyone!

If someone wants the plans for building one they are pretty cheap for what they are! $30.00 plus shipping, when I bought mine and I would think it is the same now. PM me if you want the plans as I can put you in the way of getting them from Mr. Clay!


Dude; I love junk yard dogs but that woofer is maaaaayyybe worth five bucks
spend some of yer five C notes on parts n plans fer one and pocket that fair amount of
left over cash fer more stuff to play with

(just my two cents)

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