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Australian floods


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gday mate ,were about 1 and a half hours from brisbane ,amazeing amount of water going through there ,you may have seen footage of toowoomba and surrounding towns this is were where they were caught totaly by surprise,they say a seven to eight metre wall of water went through, some small towns were completely wiped out(tragically searching for folk in the area still a huge amount missing)gympie the place we live close to had local lo lying flooding the river reached its peak 2 days ago at 19.3 metres it flooded some housing and about 40 bussiness went under ,but its receding at the present moment,like a huge amount of communities up here we are cut off with the road under north and south,this is affecting 75 percent of queensland and will take years to get back

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Gday everyone. My heart goes out to any that got hit with this flood. We were lucy my shed had about 4 foot of water through it so got to dry & clean everything in it (20' x 40' shed). Oil & mud through it. Welder, grinders, motors, blacsmith tools, machineing tools, ect all the things we have in a shed. But as I said we were lucky if it got another 10" higher it would have come through our house. My parents are at Forrest Hill in the Lockyer Valley & I have spent the last couple of day there cleaning mud out of thier house but still they are lucky too they got air lifted out on Teusday before it hit the house and it seems that they have only lost some cupboards, books, floor coverings. And a lot of sleep lol as we have. I saw a shot of where a brick house was & only the concret slab is now left. They said on the news Just before that they found a body 80Km down stream from where they went missing. Thinking of any caught up in this mess all the best.

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