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I Forge Iron

Wooohooo (long post)

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Oh, I don't quite know how to put this, but you are doing the good people of this world a masive disservice!
'Daddy' out of the goodness of his heart gave you a set of forklift tines. In exchange you bribe his employees to assist you in stealing an anvil from him? :angry:

This is not a way of paying forward a good deed!

Sorry to bum out on what made you chuffed but 'daddy' probably had some of the sparkle swiped from his day.

I would think that maybe you should return to the yard where you got the anvil and say to 'Daddy', "Sorry ,I had been fruitlessly looking for a anvil for so long that when I saw it I gave way to temptation. However I regret it and I want to make good?"(Think of taking a couple of beers with you) The chances are that you will not only restore his faith in mankind but probably make a friend for life. He will most likely tell you to keep it. Believe me friends that own scrap yards can be really good to have! Especially ones that think than you have integrity.

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like the guy said it was going to sit there and they were going to scrap it anyway, like the wagon wheels and everything else Daddy wanted to keep. all i did was save a good usable anvil from being melted down and lost forever. if the guy helping me would have told me "Daddy" was actually going to use the anvil i would have passed it up.

Sorry to rain on your parade but I agree with ianinsa. You had been given something for nothing. Regardless of what the fate was for that Peter Wright, it was not yours to decide. "Daddy" had the right to do as he wanted with it. Sell it, scrap it, melt it down, whatever he wanted to do. As sad as this may seem to some of us, it is not our property and that is what it boils down to. So now "Daddy's" anvil has been sold to someone by one of his employees. The $50.00 that you paid the worker to help you load it most probably never even made it to "Daddy", therefore it was stolen and you bribed an accomplice to help you.

Did I make you feel bad? Maybe. Do you feel guilty? Hopefully. Should you return it as ianinsa suggested? Oh heck yea.

If you had something out back in your yard that you didn't even know was there and someone sold it to someone else, would you be a happy camper about it? Doubtful.

Rethink your actions and man up.

Moral of the story, THOU SHALT NOT STEAL!

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Looks like someone felt guilty enough to go back and erase his post.
Let`s hope he felt guilty enough to return the property he obtained by less than honest means.
His Karma will thank him if he did.

looking back at my story i can see all of your points of view. at the time i felt i wasn't doing anything wrong, just putting something to use that wasn't being used and rotting away. so here's what i did . i called the guy that sold me the anvil and told him if the old man ever starts looking for it to give me a call and i will return it and he can keep the $50. i don't want him to get in trouble with the old man and his job. and i don't want to be labeled a crook on the forum.
thanks for the replies and showing me a different way of looking at the situation
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looking back at my story i can see all of your points of view. at the time i felt i wasn't doing anything wrong, just putting something to use that wasn't being used and rotting away. so here's what i did . i called the guy that sold me the anvil and told him if the old man ever starts looking for it to give me a call and i will return it and he can keep the $50. i don't want him to get in trouble with the old man and his job. and i don't want to be labeled a crook on the forum.
thanks for the replies and showing me a different way of looking at the situation

Thank you for realizing your lapse in judgement. We learn from our mistakes in life and better ourselves (hopefully) and move on.

I would still rather that you brought back the anvil and made things right. Keeping it and waiting for the owner to realize its gone is the same thinking as "It's not illegal until you get caught".

I trust that you will do the right thing.

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It isn't to label and I who from time to time has crossed the thin blue line so I ain't casting no stones!
Only I have come to realise(sadly it took age) that goodwill often pays back many times over, I wish I knew/realised that
30 tears ago. As Mark said "lapse of judgement" it happens.
As I said before friends that own scrap yards can be really good to have!
Best regards Ian

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They are right. Go ahead and take it back now and save yourself problems down the road. We have all done something not quite above board. But we need to correct what we can and learn from it. Take it back.

My last reply to this post.

As Curly said, "We have all done something not quite above board."
He is right. I am not nor have I ever been without sin/poor judgement. What I tell you is from my own personal experiences and mistakes in life. There have been many times that I have had to correct my wrong choices and some of the consequences were painful but survivable. It is still a daily struggle to make correct choices and yes I still make wrong ones but I try and limit them. Good luck with your own choices.
I do look forward to seeing you post things in the near future that you have made or are making.

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Just a gedanken experiment: would it be alright with you if someone came and took all your smithing stuff because due to illness, a new child or a new job you were not using it for a while? "Do unto others..."

Now there is an intermediate position. Ask if you can lease the anvil to use it while they retain ownership. I know a couple of instances were someone didn't want to see an anvil but was fine in having someone actually *use* it. Most of these generally converted to "you can have it" after a number of years.

(And we all know how having an anvil seems to attract others...)

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Sorry to bring this to the top again, but I have something relevent to add. I'm not sure of the circumstances in the now deleted story, but obviously someone has an item not properly obtained in his possession.

9 years ago I was forced to move and put an entire shop into storage. Then 2 years ago someone decided to look for stuff to steal in my town to get their kicks. They didn't make any excuses that it wasn't being used, but they took what they found and came back to clear out some more things a couple weeks later. One of the things they took was an 800+ lb Mill/drill machine which indicated that a few people had to be involved.

When they found this guy he owned his own garbage business. The first item stollen was a top tool chest unit that wasn't recovered which really bothered me because it was full of gunsmithing tools that I had acquired as a learning set from my gunsmithing school, and a few items given to me by friends that I will never see again. There were also a few items I'm sure I didn't find a receipt for that will never be replaced. From the second B&E the mill/drill was recovered but was missing the matching stand and it was damaged enough to make it a very heavy boat anchor.

At this point I have paid over $6500.00 in storage fees alone for items that probably originally totaled $4500.00 in value when new and most are still sitting in storage because I don't have a place to use them. That's just life, but it's a burden I am glad to bear to have these items when I can finally set up my new shop. That theft was personal to me and I'm sure whether the anvil in question was trash or not the loss is personal to the true owner. There is no reason from what I gleaned from responses that a deal couldn't have been made one way or another if you persisted and worked with the owner. You don't want to be the kind of man that stole my stuff. He is worthless as a man and less than human in my opinion.

I'm in the court of opinion of those who say take it back and make ammends. If you blame the guy you paid for help that may only go against you, so just be plain about what you did and let the chips fall where they may in that part of your explaination. The owner may be so mad he won't trust you for a while, but if you prove yourself you may be surprised at what he will send your way in the future.

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