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I Forge Iron

2010 Trying-it Hammerin

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Just a reminder that the 4th annual "Trying-It" hammerin weekend for 2010 is scheduled for Aug 20, 21, 22 (Fri - Sun) . As this is the same weekend as the annual American Threshermen Steam and Antique Tractor show just 7 miles south in Pinckneyville, most motels are fully booked within the Pinckneyville region. The great flea market at the steam show is well worth a look too. This hammerin is on our 80-acre farm so bring a tent and you and yours should surely be able to find a cozy place here to pitch it! (Bathroom and shower in house can be used.) Other sleeping arrangements may be possible if desired, but contact me beforehand and we will see what we can do!

This hammerin location is about 6.5 miles north of Pinckneyville, Illinois, (zipcode 62274) on IL State RT 127.

Email [email protected]

Cell # 618-924-4032

Again I have placed a special request with the weather service to hold off the mud makers this particular weekend. At this point in time all is looking good in that dept with just more typical type southern Illinois temps and humidity on order.

Come share a fire and the fun!!!!

P.S. For those who have been here in the past a 100# Little Giant power hammer now lives here and is fully operational; hint, hint!!!

Stan AKA: Trying-it

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I just wanted to bump this back to the top for easier access and to again thank Stan and Claire (hope I spelled your name right :) ) fior their wonderful hospitality! I had a fantastic time; probably the most fun you can have without breaking any laws (that I know of LOL). Please extend my thanks to Susan for the excellent eats too (We need a "thumbs-up" smiley) I will get some pics posted as soon as Rt approves them LMAO!! Looking foward to seeing other attendees pics too!

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Everyone should be back home by now from stan's (trying_it) hammer-in. Dodge was the photographer so he will have to put up the pics. We all had a great time despite high heat and even higher humidity, which got up to 100% Friday night during the thunder storm. Ask Dodge why boots don't let water drain out while you're wearing them :lol: Stan fed all of us, rather I should say his wife and daughter did, great eats every day. Wonderful family there. Wednesday was so humid I was just standing trying to keep breathing. I thought someone turned a hose on me, the water was running off so fast, but no one was nearby :o . Then after the rain, we understood why stan calls his place Mudville, but I renamed it the Swamp Forge. All the rain did was make mud to add to the humidity the next day. Got a lot of tools made and watched stan use his big mill and lathe. Keith Gartner and a buddy showed up....tried to show the big guy how to drink beer, maybe when he grows up. Curly George, Ironbud and father, Gobann, and Red Hot (Kyle) were other IFI'ers there also. Thanks stan for a great hammer-in. :)

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Thank You for the report Richard!
It is a good thing to hear about fine people geting togeather with a common bond.
I would have liked to have been there even though there was "Rain, Humidity, Heat, and Sunshine".
But, I was there in the spirit of hoping things would go well for you all!
Ted Throckmorton (AKA) Stone)

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Well here are the links to vids and pics. Tried to post pics here but it didn't go well. Sorry for the pic quality in some. Should have brought tripod but I didn't expect to be doing so much night time forging LOL

The canned damascus was band saw blade, pallet banding, and 1095 powder in a 2 inch square tube 13 inches long
In the power hammer videos, Stan held a kiss block to bring the billet to a uniform 1.25 inch square by about 24 inches long
This one will have to be viewed sideways. Sorry.

12 flatters were manufactured and heat treaded during the hammerin.
Richard Thibeau brought the 1045 material that was 2.5 x about 3' long

Trying_It Hammerin 2010

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Ole Stan really knows how to throw a party!! Friday night we even had fireworks (Lightening & Thunder). Oh yeah, and they forgot to mention 2 1/2 inches of rain! Swamp Forge really fit the bill. LOL. Lots of fun was had by all and it was GREAT to get to meet more folks from IFI. Richard, I'll be trying out the new double angle pein this week. Thank you Stan, Clara, and Susan for all the work. Kathy and I had a great time. Looking forward to next year. Sorry folks. I'm suffering from CRS and forgot to take our camera.:D

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Ole Stan really knows how to throw a party!! Friday night we even had fireworks (Lightening & Thunder). Oh yeah, and they forgot to mention 2 1/2 inches of rain! Swamp Forge really fit the bill. LOL.

CG, I had so much fun, I all but forgot about the rain. Heck, my boots were already dry by the time I got home! LOL :lol:
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We did have a small "cool" front hit just B4 you gents got here or the temps and high humidity would have been even worse. Do I dare tell you that since you all left another even "cooler" front has hit? Lows at night in mid 50's and days low to mid 80's; with a lot less humidity now. I "tried" hard to get that weather delivery here prior to the hammer-in; but with cooler temps, lower humidity, and my vast toy collection some of you may have never left LMAO!!!!!

Thanks all for coming and let it be known that each and everyone of you contributed in your own special ways to make this another great hammer-in!!

I'm ready for another 1.

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