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I Forge Iron

Easier than drawing down?

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I was making a very big gate latch yesterday, from 1.75 X 0.5'' and didn't fancy all that hammering so I punched and cut it then bent it open and forged the tail.

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I'm not sure if it was quicker or not. I'll have to have another go tomorrow as the finished piece didn't look right anyway!

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It seems like a perfectly logical thing to try Sam, especially for a one off. If I were to need to make many of them I'd be looking to cut two at a time with one cut but that's a different situation.

One thing for sure, I'd be looking for something to take some of the work out of that weight steel. You betcha!

Frosty the Lucky.

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It's not quite that, I started with a bit of 40x12 and no clear idea what I was going to make. The end result is ok although not such a vast improvement on my normal latch as to be worth the extra effort. The customer likes it because it's chunky and hand-made, I like it because it works, he'll pay me and I haven't got to spend an extra hour on his gate; but the next time I start an experiment it'll be on a smaller bit of stock.

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