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I Forge Iron

Does anyone know this guy ? ? ?

David Roeder

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Hi all ! Some years ago there was a gentleman who came up to my shop here in Tri-Cities WA to learn alittle about blacksmithing. This man did not have a forge at this point, so I so kindly allowed him to borrow an extra of mine.

He was a Lama rancher from mid Oregon.

Does anyone know who I may be reffering to ? ? ? I would like to get ahold of him and see about getting my forge back.

Any help would be great ! Please personal message me, or e-mail me if you know who this man is.

Thanks ! ! !

Dave Roeder

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If you knew llamas you'd shoo them too!

Obnoxious, unfriendly, spitting, beasties!


I used to live in Central Oregon (Bend) and there was a guy out there who raised llamas. Man they are wild looking things and ugly too! I never even wanted to run on that side of the road because I heard they spit. I think they shave them or something for their wool. Why anyone would want to raise them is beyond me. My brood of snakes are friendlier. lol
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