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I Forge Iron

Prayer List Guidelines


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This is not a religious forum, but a blacksmithing site with (by request) a section to ask for assistance and acknowledge blessings. IForgeIron is a world wide site representing many religions and you therefore SHOULD NOT specifically refer to any one religion or any one God.

IForgeIron does not care in which direction you face when you pray, nor does it care if you stand, bow, kneel, sit, or lay prone when you pray. It does not matter, as the prayer is between you and your God (whatever you perceive your God to be).

Some believe very strongly in their religion and their God, and that is a good thing for them. If someone asks for assistance, and you feel so inclined, please ask YOUR God to assist those in need. Your God may or may not be THEIR God, but the assistance and or blessings from YOUR God should still be appreciated.

To those without a religion or a God, simple wish those in need well, and to be without problems.

Thank you for your cooperation.

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  • 1 year later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Work work work ...and then pray.We are not a power hammer we are just humans and this section reminds us how fragile we are ...I just dream of a perfect world where this section whoud have a different point than what it has now. Seems that i can keep wishing as much as i want , we still will be what we are and the posts here...well they will give strenght .As mutch as i apreciate IFI for learning me how to be a better blacksmith i apriciate IFI for learning me how to be a better HUMAN. Maybe in Romanian words i can say this better...thanks Glenn for giving us one more reason to be closer to each other .

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  • 2 months later...

Thanks for a wonderful site Glenn ,and all those who respond and contribute! Thanks also for the prayer list it humbles us and unites us by enabling us to take some time to thank God for our blessings and help others in praying for help with their needs.

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  • 5 months later...
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  • 4 months later...

i like the tolerance to different religions shown on the prayer list page - surely prayer to help others whoever its directed at is such a positive thing, and something anyone can do. thanks for the page. (from the occasional girl)

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