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I Forge Iron

Welding onto a hinge

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I saw a large strap hinge that had several scroll shaped branches welded to the strap. I was wondering if the branches are scarfed to create a thin edge that will blend into the strap. I assume the section of the strap where the branch will be welded to the strap is pulled out and thinned. Both pieces are brought up to heat and the branch is "flat welded" to the strap? Or, is there a less obvious but better way to scarf and weld?

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Welcome aboard Chichi, glad to have ya.

I'll let someone who's done what you're asking about answer and will read it carefully just in case myself.

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If you saw it with evidence that the attachments had been welded on, then they were welded on.

However traditionally they could have been welded on or alternatively the plate would have been hot cut to split off relevant pieces to then scroll these up to the required shapes,

A lot depends on the size of the finished hinge and the ease of handling the pieces in the fire to weld the attachments on.

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Thanks for the welcome. The hinge I am intereted in is too small for chiseling out the branch. I saw a picture of a hinge that was done by a demonstrator and a picture in which he showed the various parts that were welded. I saw this in a newsletter and did not actually see the demo. I was wondeering if a special type of scarf was needed.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't have a good name for the weld, but is is similar to a T-weld, but done on the diagonal. I asked Francis Whitaker to do the weld years ago, because I really didn't know how. I will call the attached part "the branch." The branch was cropped on the end at a 90

Edited by Frank Turley
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