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I Forge Iron

general questions about a forge

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Hi I'm new here...
Im here in the UK and I've a few questions about blacksmith/farriers forge.

Does the forge have to comply with building regs and health and safety?

The noise from a forge which is used for horseshoes, is the noise loud,, and how far away from neighbours in your opinion would it be a disturbance?
Do you work with windows open?

In the Uk what fuel would you use?

Thanks in advance!

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Howdy from East TEXAS!! (that's in the USA :) ) and welcome to IFI! I can't speak to your questions but we have a bunch from your side of the pond that I'm sure can/will help. If you would go to the green bar at the top of the page, click on "User CP" and update your profile to where you live it sure will help us help you. This way we can put you onto tools that may be close to you and also blacksmithing events that you can attend. Shoot, there may be someone just up the street from you. Also, by giving you location, the UK folks can determine if you are in a "NO FORGING ZONE", if there is such a thing. Good luck and we're glad you joined up!

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Welcome aboard Dizz, glad to have you.

You're going to have to get your answers locally but I'd recommend you try to find blacksmiths close to you to talk to NOT the authorities. If a public "official" doesn't know the answer s/he's going to say NO, possibly without even bothering to look it up.

Remember it's easier to get forgiven than permission.


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Hi DL As said earlier whereabouts in the UK are you located, we have many members far and wide.By farriers forge I would assume in the UK you are talking gas fired, in which case supplies are easily available, and noise levels low. Solid fule forges can use different types of fuel, and there are many smoke control zones in the UK most forging coke is suitable for use in these areas, but can be difficult to source depending on the area where you live.
We are holding an iForge weekend on August 15th and 16th at Westpoint near to the M5J30 Exeter services, where you can ask all you wish, meet like minded people, and there will be demos and tools for sale, just let us know if you are coming please.

See Blacksmiths Guild Home and http://muddywellies.net:80/devon-county/the-blacksmith-his-work-tools-and-training for further details which you may find interesting

Edited by John B
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Hello and welcome to the forum. Whereabouts in the UK are you?
As far as I'm aware, with regard to planning, in this country you can do pretty much as you like until someone complains, Keep the noise down and make sure that you don't generate too much extra traffic. Don't light a coal forge when the neighbours have washing on the line! I have no idea if this applies in urban areas, I would imagine that life is less pleasant in such places; I try to avoid them!
The domestic building regulations are concerned with fireproofing and ventilation and are really just common sense. Here is one of most relevant;


It's best not to get local authorities involved if possible as they tend to get over-excited about things like compressed gasses, pollution and waste disposal (they can charge for it). They can also hit you for business rates.
By the way, you may not be aware that you need the proper certificates etc. to work as a farrier. This is enthusiastically enforced; you will be caught if you break the rules.

Edited by Sam Thompson
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Plus all of it ... can ... affect your home owners or renters insurance. Many people have found this out afterwards - either in declined claims or canceled policies.

And there is also that "liability" insurance - on things you make/do.

Just a few more things to consider when starting a new "business".


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Since your, so far, one and only question posted on this forum is not about how to learn about blacksmithing, but is on what would constitute a nuisance when making horseshoes, is your question in reference to a neighbor making *horseshoes* ?

On the other hand, if you want to learn about how to make horseshoes, and resources for specifically making horseshoes in your area, your best resource is a local farrier, local organization of farriers with the preference on attending a school for farriers. :D

..............in the UK ........
- Does the forge have to comply with building regulations and health and safety?
- ****The noise from a forge which is used for horseshoes****, is the noise loud,, and how far away from neighbors in your opinion would it be a disturbance?
- Do you work with windows open?
- In the Uk what fuel would you use? ...
Edited by UnicornForge
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thas everyone for your replies...Im asking on behalf of a family member. The building which he owns is semi rurual but if he decides to pursue this trade ( just looking inot it at the mo) he would like to use this building but there is a property next to his with two offices which have their windows open all day towards where th forge would be located... the office and the forge building are 20 yards apart...its the clanking on metal with a hammer which could be a disturbance :)

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Check what is allowed for the use of the building, most new industrial estates do not allow the use of forges or other smithing related processes.

Some councils do not regard it as a rural craft, I would suggest taking it throught the "artistic" route as you may get more help from the local arts agencies.

If it is to be a hobby, you do not need planning permission,

Noise levels are subjective and rely entirely on the opinion of the persons who have to decide on whether or not it is a problem, Have words with the neighbours and see how they feel towards it, what you are proposing to do and how it could affect them, One man and a dog outfit as opposed to employing people someway down the line. How they would benefit by having you there etc.

Whereabouts in the UK will this be?

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You may not be that noisy, it depends on your set up. My neighbours who used to object to the noise, it took them 18months to find out I had actually been working it all that time, before they called in the local council. When they came out and checked the levels, they said there was no problem, its just that the neighbour didn't want me there whatever I was doing.

I had planning permission to use the workshop as a wrought iron craft workshop with limited use ie 8am to 6pm, no Sundays and no bank holidays, which was really good because it meant I had to take a day off a week, its too easy to get too involved and ignore the family when you have the addiction.

The enforcement officer also said that if I wished to use the workshop for my hobby outside those hours, that would be acceptable, and it was doubtful that I needed planning permission anyway.

So don't abandon the idea unless you are going to be really noisy.

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