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I Forge Iron

Latest work with the power hammer

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Real nice! James where did you acquire your artistic smithing skills if you don't mind me asking? OOOPS nevermind, just read your bio and saw the "mostly self taught". That makes you and your works even more impressive now!!!!!!!!

Edited by trying-it
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Nice work! as usual. Love the design, simple yet elegant. I especially like the cross, mainly because I was able to watch you make the first half at your workshop/demo this past June. Enjoy what you transpose from your head to the metal. Thanks for sharing.

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The book ends were 6 by 6 by 3" thick. The 3" thickness was forged down to about 1/8" thick at the thinnest part. All of the candles were at least 3" thick material. The taller steel and copper piece was forged out of 3/4" thick by 4" stock... and was forged down to about 1/16" at the thinnest part. the copper was 1" square stock.

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Thanks for the compliment John... actually, I do both. I weld a short square bar on the end, then use that with a set of tongs when forging. On the candles, the stock was 2 by 4 and very heavy... when you get that weight on the end of a set of tongs... it does wonders for building upper body strength.

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James, bolt a flat bar across the top of the hammer using the studs that hold the cylinder cover on, and hang your tongs from a chain off it (you can use a spring at the top of the chain to take out any shock loading to the chain from the stock thickness variations)

If you get the balance point of tongs and billet right on the chain it will be pretty effortless :D

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really gorgeous - love the candles - love all of it - really tactile! cant wait to get my hammer going and see what i can do with it - not long i hope - thanks for putting up the pictures - great to see artistic work done on the power hammer.. nice idea about the tongs John!

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