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I Forge Iron

Peter Wright Anvil 104lbs

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Neighbor just came over and said I have some thing for you I went to his truck and there it was a Peter Wright Anvil ,But my question is on the side it has stamped 0-3-24 can anyone tell me what that stands for.
Oh and the best part he got it for $20.00 thats Twenty dollars and he just gave it to me no charge I told him I wanted to hug him he said no thanks lol.
I have not been doing any smithing lately after my homemade r/r anvil that had a piece of steel welded on it broke off it put me down in the dumps and I've been wanting a real anvil so bad, oh another ? what will clean the light rust off good besides good old elbow gresse.

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Well ATTA BOY!! The 0-3-24 is the weight of your anvil in the English Hundred Weight system. Your anvil weighs 108 lbs. If the anvil had a 1-1-1 it would weigh 141 lbs. The first # represents 112, the 2nd # is 1/4th of 112 or 28, the 3rd is pounds and can be from 0 to 27. The first # can be a 1,2,3 or 4 (not usually more than a 4) and you multiply that by 112, the second # will never be larger than a 3 as this # represents 1/4 of 112, the third # is single pounds and will never be larger than 27. [Now, are you TOTALLY confused?:)] This numbering system is only on English made anvils. derives from the stone weight== 1 stone is 14lbs, 8 stones = 112lbs.

You have and good neighbor...now you need to make him something NICE using your new anvil. Oh yeah, pictures of your new anvil would be nice for us also...hint, hint...

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I wish I had neighbors like that. Heck, seeing as he spent $20 to get you something he knew you really wanted I'm thinking YOU must be a darned good neighbor too. Making him something nice for thinking of you is a really good idea.

Wire brushing will remove the surface rust. Or you can burnish it with a coarse rag and apply linseed oil boiled I THINK. It will develop a rich redbrown antique finish.

On the other hand it won't care about a little rust and simply using it will shine up the face just fine.


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when friends give me gifts that keep on giving, I try to reciprocate, maybe start with some wall hooks for his garage, then an outside hummingbird feeder hanger, based on the same design, maybe a flag holder, based on the same design.... catch the drift?? I have a blowhorn stake a guy gave me, you can see it was hand forged, he is the recipient of more than a few suprises.

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