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I Forge Iron

Pipe and cigar smokers


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Cigars here, short or long and thick get it done for me. Honduran, Domicican, Cuban when I am out of the country are faves! Don Thomas, Special Collection! Yummy! One of these days I gotta make me a good ashtray, and a good cutter.... Maybe I should learn folding knives first!

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I partake in the pipe on occasion. I prefer the Mountain Mist blend from one of our local shops. I got my first meerschaum pipe a while back and it is starting to color nicely. It’s nothing fancy, no face carvings or anything like that just strait simple lines but I like it.

Do any of you other occasional pipe smokers get pipe bite in the mornings?

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I used to smoke a pipe. Sometimes indulge in cigarettes or cheap cigars...if I ever developed a taste for fine smokes I'd go broke.

I like to smoke Drum and definately have a weakness for kreteks.

I haven't smoked in 10 months because of my wife's comments about the stink. If she had made an ultimatum I would still be smoking, but since she asked nicely....

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This just in! I've bought a pack of kreteks and can no longer be considered a non-smoker....the Djarums of today don't have the kick of the ones I smoked as a boy but they're better than the mainstream offerings.

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Life is GOOD!!!!!!!!!! Today I got my order from smokingpipes.com ! Several small amounts of a few bulk blends to see which i will order in quantity . OH JOY!!! So far the Peter Stokkebye oriental supreme is leading the pack!!


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I smoked a pipe about 20 or so years ago, then switched to cigarettes for some ungodly reason. Switched back to a pipes about three years ago because of the price of cigarettes in Vermont (Marlboros are up to $6.53 per pack!!!). I smoke my pipe several times a day, mostly Middleton's Cherry or Apple cavandish or Vintage Black&Tan.

What's a "Colonial Pipe Lighter", TMIB? Can't recall hearing of/seeing one. Got a pic so I can steal....er...borrow the design?


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I have been told that one should smoke only the first half of the cigar and pitch the second. The theory being that the entire cigar acts as a filter and the second half has all the crud in it and the taste gets progressivley worse. After more than fourty years of smoking pretty good cigars (I used to work in a pipe and tobacco shop so I could experiment with a lot of different ones) I discovered that this theory is the product of people who want to sell more cigars. My personal experience is that if the cigar is a good one and properly lit three fourths or more can be smoked with pleasure as long as it isn't smoked too fast. Also my experience is that all other things being equal the longer and larger the ring size, the better the cigar will smoke.


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