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I Forge Iron

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Just scratch across it with your fingernail. The etching of the layers leaves differences that your should be able to feel most the time.


What type of "fake" damask. The stuff that is etched in as a pattern in a mono-steel will read to the fingernail just like etched pattern welded material.

The stuff painted on a monosteel likewise.

I haven't run into faked wootz----yet

Best way I have found is to follow the patterns as they cross the back of the blade and see if they make sense in a pattern welded way.


Does the patterned acid etching (similar to how some knife makers etch their names/logos on blades with templates) also produce this perceived layer difference if etched long enough?

My wife bought me a pattern welded wedding ring off of ebay and the finger nail test indicates it is truly pattern welded. However, there are some initials (presumably the makers) on the inside of the band that seem to be etched in the same fashion as the layering. The only way I can see these initals getting etched would be to mask off the surrounding areas with a template.

As well, recently there have been numerous rings popping up on ebay for a fraction of the price that are only 'damascus look-a-likes' that have the identical pattern as mine with the exception of the finish.


well see ive seen alot of damscus knives on places like budk.com or in places that sell knife kits but with most of these knives it seems like theres something wrong with the pattern. Should real damask have patterning that extends all the way down the tang or not?


Texas Iron Worker. I don't know about should I know most of the one's I've looked at do. However, there are a couple of reasons that they might not.
1) The maker may have used a selective etch and not etched the whole piece.
2. There may be a piece of mild steel added for extra mass in the hilt or for special effect.

I liked the answer given earlier. The pattern must make sense from a forging view point.

Price seems like a good indicator. Pattern welded blanks start at around 100.


Damascus is the name for 2 quite different types of steel: Pattern Welded and Wootz

Many commercial patternwelded knife blades had the pattern welded material welded to a plain steel piece for the tang. You sure don't need pattern welded steel for a tang.

You can find historical examples of wootz blades where this was done by the smith back then too!

Even if you have the entire blade made from pattern welded material the tang is un likely to be etched as that is what you generally suspend it in the etchant from.

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