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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by Hollon

  1. Actually first knife at all. I bet everyone's getting tired of these. Anyway here it is.
  2. hmm, either someone is using one of your pictures, or you just listed this on ebay.
  3. It seems like I remember seeing some ones like that. I know that because when I got some standard sized ones, I thought they were small.
  4. Could anyone give me some information on how various chisel cuts (and other things that I can't think of right now) affect a twist? It seems like I have seen a website, or in a book something about this, so if anyone could point me in the right direction or give me some information I would be grateful. Thanks -Hollon
  5. Just out of curiosity kbaknife, why would there be petroleum distillates in your acetone?
  6. Maybe I'm blind, but that blueprint seems not to exist... I looked and there was BP0105 and BP0107 but no 106, and then I did a search of the whole website with no luck, so perhaps you can get a link to it for me?
  7. Just out of curiosity, what does everyone use for molds? I didn't actually make anything in a mold, I just poured mine out on a rock... But if you make them, what could be the materials for making them? Would plaster of paris work? or would it spar from moisture? Anyhow this is something I was wanting to learn about, but don't know where to start.
  8. In reference to melting aluminum, I found something that worked when I was bored. I welded two pieces of angle iron together (1/8") and welded a piece of 1/4" plate on the bottom. It was welded so that it was watertight (or metaltight in this case). I also weld two handles onto it. This was a very bad idea, make sure you use tongs, if at all possible, as it not easy to grip one of the handles for very long, even with welding gloves on. Anyway back to the melting. I made a fire out of driftwood (I was along a creek) and walnut (very fun to chop with an axe) on top of a large stone (probably about 2' x 3 1/2'). I just set the so called crucible on top of the coals, and let it sit there for about 45 minutes-hour and melted pop cans, and one ball of aluminum foil. If you melt pop cans, the ink on them will catch on fire, and probably makes some extra impurities in the aluminum for you. Anyhow thats my two cents. -Hollon
  9. I was wondering either how to make or where to buy one of those scrolling tools, like what fits in the hardy. Also a question about the website: on the old website on the left side there was a column that showed all the new updates (blueprints, news, etc.) and I always used that to see the new blueprints. Was that gotten rid of or is that somewhere else that haven't looked at?
  10. I thought they used wrought iron on fishers and vulcans for the body?
  11. Do you know who that painting is by, because I think I have a copy of it somewhere?
  12. Just wondering if anyone has ever built an anvil stand that has wheels, or has an idea on how you would do it. I could be wrong but would the wheels take away some of the effiecency of the hammer swing. Obviously you would have to have some way to lock the wheels or disable them, and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to do that ( I was thinking maybe putting a metal bar that would come down on the wheel so that it won't spin, kind of like on scaffolding).
  13. I was wondering about if someone could direct me to information about building a muzzle loader or a flintlock?
  14. I'm just wondering how the heel of that anvil was broke off so cleanly? Maybe thats normally what happens when a heels is broken off? ( I really wouldn't know)
  15. I could be wrong, but I think an anvil like that is worth more than the usual london pattern. Then again, I might be thinking of a sawyers anvil.
  16. I think copper might actually be going down, seems like a roll (dont remember how much) of copper wire was over $100 and now its down to about $85
  17. As I said, I'm from Kentucky, I'm 15 years old, and though I haven't quite started smithing yet (shops take a long time to build) I have read all the material that I could get my hands on.I have most of the eqiupment I need, and can't wait for the shop to get finished.
  18. I figured that it would not burn as easy without as much carbon though? maybe not though, its not as if im an expert metallurgist
  19. I have another question to add onto this. For someone who would be wanting to practice forge welding would getting a mild steel with a lower carbon content say 1006, make it easier to learn how to weld?
  20. Titanium is rather, I guess you could say, overrated. Due to media blowing up it's actual quality with "Buy your PURE TITANIUM KNIFE for only 3 payments of 14.99!", many people think that it is superior to steel in all ways.
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