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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by thecelticforge

  1. MOTORIZED WHET STONE: A device that can be used for two purposes. Saturating the MDF board with water so that it swells and chips off and remover of fingerprints from the tips of fingers.
  2. Use a mid range carbon steel, and give them a wrap around the main bar, and let them air cool. They will shrink to fit, but when you squeeze the prongs, they will allow you to loosen and move them.
  3. I have found a wonderful cheater for lighting fires recently. I used to use fatwood/lightered (heartwood from certain pines) in my wood burning stove. But this was causing creosote in my stove pipe. I just found these Diamond Strike a Fire matches, 48 in a box. They are huge fat matches that burn for twelve minutes. I tried one yesterday, just to see how it would work. It worked very well. I will take them to craft fairs from now on, because the only time I have trouble starting a fire wis when people are watching.
  4. I use a piece of square tubing over my anvil as a saddle. As noted above, the sound is horrid. I fixed that by gluing a piece of 5/8" plywood to the bottom. It helped a lot. I have been toying with the idea of using a plywood and lead sandwich to completely deaden the sound.
  5. I have seen bellows like these work well, also Roman. Login | Facebook
  6. You may get lucky with dry ice, but I would go with heat, and then lay in a bed of sand and instantly cover it with sand. It should take about 25 minutes to be able to handle it at the most. Make sure that the entire plate is heated evenly to at least a medium red temp. I don't know if it will work, but if I were going to do it, that is what I would try.
  7. :) I used a pee can for 3 years because those 2 am trips to the outhouse were terrible, especially in -10 weather.
  8. I used to bend the tips 90 degrees (kinda scarfing), then bend the link in the middle, weld, then welding heat again to finally shape the link.
  9. How about suggestions for soup cans. I use them for holding chisels and beeswax. I use the lids for the candle holders and catching drips. I know there have to be many more uses for these miracles of engineering! :D
  10. I put a square against my bit and check it gainst the platform.
  11. I rather thought that may be the problem. I was married in 94 for a couple of years. She was from NW Kansas and we moved to the Navajo rez for jobs. Anything that was not done in NW Kansas that I I did there (ceremonies, language, foods, etc...) was shrewishly frowned upon. She became waspish if I even uttered a word of Navajo while talking to neighbors. I got lucky, she went to Las Vegas to see her sister and came back pregnant! I was free! Oh What happens in Vegas does not usually stay in Vegas!
  12. I started cheating years ago with this. I started by drilling as many guide holes as I could and then use small punches to open them up. Then to a chisel, then to a very tapered drift for the finish. The drifts I use are long so I can use the narrow end as a handle. Hope this helps!
  13. I think he may have the wrong woman. I had a g/f in WV that wanted me to quit smithing and work at walmart for less money. So her drug crazed son stole most of my things. The new woman remarked last week that she was very proud to see me "working the crowd" and se loves to watch me make things. It is a much better match that I had with the control freak.
  14. If you are going to use it by your lonesome, I think any length over 18" is a waste of wood.
  15. I am always interested in taking apprentices. However, I am in GA. If I hear of anyone there I will let you know. One of my old apprentices is at Ft. Lewis now. I will check with him.
  16. Bay Star Coal Co 386 College Ave Bluefield, WV 24701 (304) 875-2279 Poco # 3 $70.00 USD ton
  17. I think you should go for the traditional anvil for sure. What ever way you decide to do it, the anvil was an unmistakable sign for anyone needing a blacksmith, even if they could not read.
  18. I used to treat my traps by soaking them for two days is an emulsion of walnut husks, then dipping them in beeswax and boiling water.
  19. I could be the gremlins. Years ago, I was helping my father cold shoe some horses. About half of one box was akin to beating on a shoe made from coil springs. The rest of the shoes were normal. It's gotta be gremlins.
  20. Looks like I will get the fly from Wall Tent Shop. Now, the physics of having a fire underneath. I was thinking a partial hood, with a side draft going out and up.
  21. If you want quite like me, either bellows or a blower fan off of an old clothes dryer. both are whisper quiet.
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