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I Forge Iron

The Jeff

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Posts posted by The Jeff

  1. I had actually done that, I saw them sanded as you said and etched and showed up a little darker then the surronding steel.


    After another round of sanding and etching the marks are gone so i suppose deep grind marks or surface cracks?

  2. I have read about the dye, thanks for the suggestion.

    I etched a peice for a few minutes and it had a few darker lines runing through and wasn't sure if they were cracks.

  3. I don't have enough experience to know one way or the other. 

    If a peice of steel has cracks ( that you cant otherwise see) , will they show up when you etch it?

  4. This may be obvious or just a stupid question but Im ignorant enough to not really know what I am asking, but since we are talking about souping things up would a 2" tee burner be feasible? 

  5. I do vaguely remeber that one. 

    I work in a local hardware store and we sell Stihl products, well there are some lumber jack shows in town that use Stihl. So we get people in here wanting the biggest saw we have occasionally. The "soup it up" remionded me of that.


  6. My first time heating a blade with charcoal I burnt right through before I even noticed.

    21 minutes ago, Frosty said:

    I'm working on doing a better job of picking my battles, maybe fall on a pillow or bed from now on.

    Frosty, I don't fall on hard things but I have tryed to catch hard things that were falling.... With my head.

  7. Ok before I speak I have no experience with plasma cutters so if I'm wrong or way off feel free to let me know.

    But from what I am seeing if your consumables are good and connections are good you should check air? Not enough air or to much or contaminated?

    Again I don't know just trying be helpful.

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