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I Forge Iron

Justin Topp

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Everything posted by Justin Topp

  1. You could coffee etch it than clear coat it to protect the contrast
  2. Had to resize pictures so they rotated? But I made a nail header and mortise and tenon shank v swage
  3. I’d personally not harden because it’s probably not gonna get beaten a lot. And even if it does I have a wrought iron horn on my anvil and it works perfectly despite being very soft so should think think this will be just fine
  4. I punched the hole on the wrong side of the billet but it works just a tad awkward. Butcher tool forged from 1065 left normalized. Hickory handle.
  5. Ignore the welds I didn’t clean anything or aim for a nice weld. But here’s a spring fuller I made. I hate spring fullers as they always seem to break. This one is so far working good. Didn’t feel like forging a hardy shank so I made a wedges style and the spike is there to support the bottom fuller
  6. Today I forged two pairs of pickup tongs. Slightly different Styles. One has flat jaws one has round. Forged from 1”x1/2” with forge welded reigns. How’d I do?
  7. That would’ve been a good safety video. Too bad.
  8. Haha good idea frosty! It could make a good display... It did fall apart when I smacked some sheet metal and by fall apart explode is better words. The big chunk was 3’ to the right of my anvil one part of the cheek was about 7’ and the other was 6’ to the left. I ended up with just a handle haha.
  9. Yup. It will go with the rest of the failures. This is from water quenching 1065. I tempered the cheeks with a Torch. It fell apart when I was hitting some sheet metal on the anvil. It broke after the picture. Time to make another better one!
  10. Ya. I guess I should be more careful when picking out steel from now on haha
  11. Turns out I grabbed the wrong bar. 1065 not 4140. So uh. Double check your steel folks. It cracked during quench I’m sure. Grain is good at least.
  12. I dunno. I just like making railroad spikes weirdly Long through any means
  13. Thanks. The peen actually becomes round just past the square part so unless your hammering up to the square it leaves a round impression. I was sure to Try it out am make it leave a round divot
  14. Thanks Chris! that hole was a hammer billet for a ball peen hammer. here is my first ball peen hammer. 14” hickory handle. On a 16 oz 4140 head
  15. Haha thanks frosty. That’s a good idea. I’m gonna forge something on it and I just stick a nail in each foot to hold it down but a dovetail anvil now that’s a good idea haha. thanks Pnut and Chris! Gonna use the 7 oz wrought iron hammer with it
  16. My first attempt at forging an anvil is done. Not entirely pleased but overall I’m happy. Forge welded out of 7 bars with added filler rods. 4.5 lbs. mild steel body and farriers rasp for the faceplate. It’s not the prettiest anvil but it’s mine.
  17. Thanks again Pnut. Yea Ive done a few Steeled hammers so I can’t imagine this is Much different. I’ve also done a mild steel anvil block with a 5160 face on it. this one is mild steel and will get a high carbon face. I didn’t have enough iron or I would’ve used it. Oddly enough the only other blacksmith in my family was my great great grandfather. I’m sure some others did it occasionally as they all lived on farms but he was the only professional. Thank you!
  18. 3.5 lbs as of now. Square and round Horn will be Forge welded on tomorrow. So will the carbon steel face plate. Yup all by hand forge welded from 4 pieces so far will be probably 7 total thanks
  19. That’s enough for tonight. Tomorrow it will be done. This picture probably gives away what it is haha
  20. Very true Smokey. Might have to try in WI working on my mark! Thanks frosty new project just started any guesses?
  21. Attempted Another bottle opener. I definitely need practice
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