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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by alexandr

  1. Hi. Have a look, please. http://www.art-metall.ru/Forged%20wagon%20wheel%20chandeliers.htm
  2. Hi! Is this the correct translation? "single-tier chandelier" "tier chandelier" "forged lamp with tree" "wrought sconce" СПАСИБО!!!!!
  3. Hi ! Trying to learn English. New question. Is this the correct translation or not? "table of forged wheels from the cart" "forged table in the same style with the chandelier"
  4. Thank you. how about this one "Forged chandelier stylized wagon wheel"
  5. Hi, all! I create a new website , have problems with the translation. Google translator gives the answer, it seems to me he's not quite right. "Forged chandelier stylized wagon wheel" "Chandeliers of wagon wheel" Please, Give the correct name.
  6. Hi, colleagues. Received an offer to sell a few products in Europe. Help to determine the price. At home in Russia I sell watches and a large candle holder $ 500, a small candle holder 200.
  7. Hi. In this way, I find bees. My apiary.
  8. HI! Asked estimate my work of other workshops. Price is 30000-35000 usd/
  9. Hi, Dan! Thank's a lot.

  10. This is correct everywhere.A spent over 6 months of training Fotoshop , Corel, Dreamweaver, Fireworks.A had made my 2 websites , spend a little money google adwords and yandex ( 100-150 usd) ,all the work comes from the website. Work for 5-6 months advance. www.art-metall.ru (2 days serious problems with hosting). And website in Russian http://кованаялюстра.рф
  11. Hi! New job. Stairs made of beech. USD 14500.( in Russia)
  12. Hi, guys! Bread in Russia's 2 time cheaper than in Europe. But new L200 Mitchubisi 30000 usd. economic translation is right. :blink:
  13. alexandr

    My smithy

  14. Hi,colleagues! bed in the store stands in one and a half more. I do not pay rent, shop belongs to me. I work myself with two helper. Very low taxes. I can assign these prices.
  15. Hi ,Dan.How are you.See your website. It's good .

  16. Brandon, HI.How a you ? Look your fotos . Interesting equpment. Who rotate pump? assistant?

  17. Hello colleagues! That's interesting. How can the price of these works in your country. A sold ( in Russia )bed 2000 usd swing 1800 chandelier 2700.
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