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I Forge Iron


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Everything posted by CheechWizard

  1. did the bulk of the forging on this lil squirrel tail knife and made some good progress this bowie ive been slowly working on. the blacksmith knife 4$ walmart file that wasnt even worth filing with and the other is from old machanics bastard file also got this chisel bit i found at the restore dressed up while waiting for the forge to heat up.. fits perfectly in the pritchel
  2. personally i love all the too obscure for school offensively politically correct stick and poke of an upside down cross face tattoo having ass... excuse me this isnt triggering any of you is it? but hey look whos talking... after all how do you spot a gentrafier anyway? they're the ones that arived right after you did. on the lighter note.. the anvil came! fully clad in shrink wrap but lacking any signs of greasy wax paper. im waiting for my buddy to bring over a pine round that batter suits my height so i rigged up one i had that was cut lopsided. altho i did managed to dampen the ring a fair amount and theres no real noticeable movement
  3. i didnt notice you're in seattle mikey. i lived in Olympia for 28 years up until like 3 years ago when i moved to oregon. i must say i miss washington :\
  4. oh i forgot to mention that i did build a new burner using the same basic design but with some substantial differences. i wont get into the details but i will say im pretty content at this point. cant wait till fall so i have more time out of the day to make noise gotta stay on good terms with the old ball and chain/neighbors~
  5. nice little hand vise reproduction. im getting mine on monday sup Hoj, ive been scoping these for a while when they disapeared for a while. your post ultimately helped me make the purchase. i mean $135, how can you go wrong right? i hope they send me a black one altho i have a feeling im gonna be doing some grinding anyways
  6. same one as this guys and im actually supposed to get it tomorrow so ill let you know
  7. sup guys havnt been on in a while. thought id give you an update. got the forge pretty well dialed in. replaced the wide/stout burner intake tubing with some stuff about as long as the burner and just wide enogh for the burner too fit. also changed the tip to a 3/4' coupling instead of 3/4 to 1' adapter. been making almost everyday or atleast a couple hours in the evening when it cools down. its been in the 90's the past month it blows. also broke down and bought one of those chinese 66lbs anvils you see off ebay, 135usd shipping included. i was trying to hold off till i could afford a little NC anvil and while their 70 pounder is only about twice as much i just wont have the money any time soon also why spend a decent some on something fairly light i figure my next one should be atleast 100 lbs+
  8. well yes cedar i prefer blindly purchasing whatever over priced gadget that pops up on facebook reccomended ads. after all i do have endless disposable income and nothing but free time on my hands to build my whimsical yet conciously random DIY doo dad factory. obviously ive considered a few mentors... theyre everywhere these days practically begging to be my devoted guru but wheres the fun in that. pressure makes diamonds my friend. so what if i go thru hundreds of pesos before i succsessfully execute a perfect s grinder on a beautiful crucibal steal 1086 layer demascus katana i forged with a dewalt claw hammer. thats what its all about
  9. Thomas Powers, Irondragon Forge & Clay - are these cole mfg vises comparable? i feel like this is all the vise ill ever need
  10. looks like its a belsaw machinery co 1080 belt sander. 42x1" or 44x1" compatable.. only have a 1/2 hp motor. im gonna offer him 50 then theres this one for 45$
  11. tefc? yeah it looks prettt interchangeable. looks like theres spots already there for placing pullies. i cam think of a few variations just looking at it
  12. yes right now. its a 8 hour drive there and back. maybe ill see if the old lady wants to make vacation out of it also found this for 100$. it looks a bit big to be a 42" belt but not quite a 72" either. thoughts?
  13. found a leg vice online for 50 bucks and its fairly close to me. i think its s columbian ad there is a C stamprd into it. its pretty rusty but it looks structurely sound. can anyone help me ID/ help me decide on whether i should buy it ot not
  14. swapped the nipple.i looked into it and its rare but possible that the propane may corrode the ragulater over time. im gonna see if this set pressure gauge works if not ima buy a new one
  15. so i had a flow ragulater laying around do i set it up. i havnt had any over heating issues and my forge is more fuel efficiant. i realize this is isnt ideal considering it had a set psi but it sure is helping. ive seen people use these with oxy/fuel cutting torches with good results.
  16. frosty what are you using as an orifice? i reduced air intake to stablize the flame. i dont have a regulater so i cant control the pressure
  17. ok finally got around to gettin some pictures. looks like the flames does ride the inside of the nozzle quite a bit. however i ran the forge at prbly somethjng like 75% for an hour and a half and it stayed fairly cool up towards the air intake
  18. It is a 1" to 3/4" reducer coupler. so a quarter inch larger then the "shaft?". i went to look at the burner but my propane is almost empty so ill have to get back to you tomorrow
  19. im gonna stress test it tonight and see if i have any problems. if the rest of the buRner doesnt over heat then im good. thanks for all the input guys im glad i joined
  20. the only thing i really experimented with was different orifices. i originally bought some .035mm mig nozzles. from what i remember it worked fine but i tried a bunch of different stuff to see what would happened. i efentually lost the original piece and happened to have a pencil torch head that fit the threads i tapped once i took the nozzle off.. just so happens to make a perfect jet. i actually made a downsized brass version of your t-burner with a rose bud style tip that i fit to a little 1lb propane tank. worked pretty good.
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