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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

2023 Donor
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Everything posted by Scott NC

  1. Incredible. It is lost to others buried in the photo gallery section.
  2. The Colossus of Rhodes laid around for 800 years after it collapsed.
  3. One thing I wonder, is if the size and thickness of the material you are working with would affect the magnetic qualities of it. And having it clean of debris. But if you were just using it to arrange things to tac together it would work fine. I wouldn't use one on a surface grinder. It will be interesting to hear Das's evaluation, because I intend to build a "tacking station" of sorts. No more parts being pushed around. I used to use stick welding for all my stuff, what a joke. Mig still pushes fiddly bit's around sometimes.
  4. Eclipses are just government fabrications. The earth is flat and the sun revoles around it.
  5. Those are really nice, Billy! I never dreamed I would have sword envy.... Not to change subject too much but that sounds cool. An old sextant on a hand forged, detailed stand would add a bit of nautical theme. Along with those cutlasses, if you can find them. You could build a chart table, too, as a centerpiece. I better stop now.... Glad you are well.
  6. Oh. I like some Rush and I like the lyrics to this one.
  7. Thanks, Direwolf. Facinating, and it led to some interesting comments, reading and rat holes, I had to stop at paleostreams. I pick it up later... Great Neptunes Beard. Billy that is going in my "Future Sculpture Idea" files. I have a carved coconut shell pirate head that I got in the carribean that may give it a run for it's money in creepiness. This is all great fun.
  8. I admire people who build things whether in seriousness or for fun or just to "see if it will work". I built more than my fair share.... I think I've even posted some if my "ideas" on here....
  9. We grind bread crumbs through ours to push out the big leftovers but wash the heck of it all taken apart as well. I suppose boiling water would work. Times and bacteria change. We have an "industrial" meat tenderizer that's very hard to clean and sanitize. Would not want to catch a fingertip in that thing.
  10. The old Ford tried to kill me a few times in thanks for fixing it up.
  11. Is that meat grinder hard to clean? I mounted mine on a 2x12 board with clamps so I could unclamp it and put it in a tub of soap for a deep cleaning.
  12. Lol. I had a snappy reply typed out. I'll just let it go... you know how these things go off track and into the ditch.
  13. Thanks Billy. Automotive or Electrical 101 I suppose. I should say I used to do all my own maintenance and repair work and with all the junk I've owned over the years I probably would be bankrupt if I hadn't. I even restored my old 8n from the ground up, I wish I still had it. Not anymore though with all the electronic gizmos that make things go. I don't know where I got the rpm concept in my head. It's an Embarrasing Moment....
  14. I like Social Distortion but have to be in the mood for it. I posted one way back there. Maybelines good. They dabbled in some country too, I wonder what Johhny Cash would think.
  15. That is a great idea in my book! Thanks for sharing. I've seen those before but never thought of adapting them in that way. Perfect for arranging and re arranging bits and pieces to your liking and flip the lever to lock it all in place for tacking. Grinding too. I look forward to hearing how you like it. I doubt you will regret it and it's going on my to get list... On a side note, a place I worked at, we used a form of them with an overhead crane for grabbing and moving heavey chunks of steel around. They were the shaped and size of a car battery and had a lever on the side to turn it on and off. They were powerful. Btw, I like that sign of theirs in the video....
  16. Oops about the amps. Would you believe I din't know any better? Oops about the amps. Would you believe I din't know any better? I wsa wondering if they both increased with rpm's, increasing the shock value.
  17. The only reason I posted a reply about sharpie silvers is it would be something to try and fit in his holes.
  18. I was at a swap meet not so long ago and a fellow had an old, old truck there that had barb wire for plug wires. Probly showing off. He never fired it up but while I was there, but I imagine it worked, isolating the wire someway. I wish I had looked closer. Randy, I've been blasted a few times by a leaky wire. I wonder how many volts and ampheres that actualy is. I suppose it goes up with the rpms?
  19. Part of the reason I mentioned the silver sharpie is it seems to tolerate heat. YMMV. I would think colored pencil marks would melt. Soapstone blows off, in my opinion.
  20. It is inspiring thoughts in me of wizard sculpture hands now.
  21. That's a handy idea Lary. Do you give them a little twist while pulling them out to help keep the caps in the hole. Have you ever tried metallic silver sharpies? They show up suprisingly good on steel, brass and copper for layout and marking. Not so much on shiny material or rough rusty stuff, though. Maybe it's been mentioned before....
  22. Billy, the more I listen to Blackberry the more I like them, and Jerry, like the latest comment on that video says, "More Stan Rogers please!"... I'm ole squid anyway. Here's a song I like, there are better video versions, but I like the way they turn sideways and kick their legs, but mostly how he bends to the mike and says "tequia"....
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