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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

2023 Donor
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Posts posted by Scott NC

  1. Thank you Larry.  I found a transission shop that will give me all sorts of crazy shaped metal junk that could be shaped and manipulated to my liking.  I used to build large scrap art and now find myself being able to get back to that.  Slowly.  But those faces carried me through rough time.  I'm working on a large pelican for my sister right now. 

  2. Shainarue, If I make another, it will be with your ideas in mind.  You are so thoughtful.

      Jèr, I'll come up with something original, I think.  Billy!  A blind Pew chasing over the rocks and flying to his death over the cliff!

  3.   We used to spook new guys on the graveyard shift at the old bean plant.  Many years ago, before I started, they had an anual shutdown for repairs and one contractor had his leg cut off and survived but another died in a gruesome way I won't describe.  It was in the extraction plant.  3 am by yourself with humming pumps and machinery is bad enough.  There were tales told.  I even got the shivers doing my rounds.

      We had a control room we monitored all things from and in the wee hours it was great fun for some to go up 2 floors and drop a sledge hammer on the roof of the control room.  It was a intense place with explosive potential, and it made you jump out of your skin.  There was a lot of creepy stuff happened there.  It's why I don't like ghosts.

  4.   It did not go through.  Here it is.  I will try again.  Like I said, It's not much, but it's my last one.  Does it look like Peter Lorre to anybody but me.  I should have kept it to myself.  Don't worry, I'm done after this one.





  5. Yes, for protecting things like grain or lime or what not.  I once was involved in a project at a repair and fabrication yard, in modifying old defunct ttx railcars that hauled semi trailers, into railcars that carried whole track switch assembleys.  We cut the cars in half and made them longer, built an A-frame for the pre-fabbed rail switch assemblies to lean against, one on each side to be hauled on site where they were needed.  That was for the UP.  We also modified ballast cars for them to be operated by remote control, with solar chargers.  Please forgive me for rambeling on but it was one of my favorite jobs and I miss the old days.  

  6.   I must say that quote was said tongue in cheek.  Sometimes I joke around too much.

      I have never listened to Nine Inch Nails and I'm not a huge Johnny Cash fan but I do like some.  I've never heard this song before.  It makes one think, I like music that does that.  Makes me sad though.   I suppose it fit's many peoples lives.  I looked up the origons to this song, too.  Interesting.  Thanks for posting it.

      Anybody know where the Rolling Stones got their lip's and tongue logo?  Kind of bizzare if you dig into it.


  7.   I have no restoration tips, but I will send you some genuine pirate treasure maps.  Suitibale for framing or actual use.  3 for a dollar but I will give you a discount.  Anybody else interested can send me a PM.  

  8.   I tried to refrain.  How do you know if such creatures exist, and they aren't one zillion times smarter than we are, enough to hide their existence.  Would that be more far out than their existense in the first place?   After all, we know nothing about these things.  I'm just playing devils advocate.  Everybody raise your hand that believes in the human soul.  What?  No proof?

      I could have used better terminology than "Devils Advocate".  Bad choice of words.

  9.   I got a suprise the other day.  I took my mom in for an appointment at the doctor that did her cataracts, they had changed her appointment from afternoon to morning because he had to do an urgent case.  She was having real problems with sight and pain in one eye and the appointment was just to determine what was wrong.  The place was packed with patients waiting and I thought, here we go.  We got in after a wait and he looked with his instruments and said she had scarring developing from the surgery, which he said happens.  He lasered off the scarring then and there.  It's a quick process, but I know he had patients waiting and the appointment was just to find out the problem.  I expected another round of long drawn out appointments and it takes a long time to get in.  Sometimes I am too critical of things.  Now the DMV....

  10.   You are right, of course, Aric.

      Most of my treasures and curiosities are small things but here's a solid cast iron eagle that sat in the front yard at the family farm for decades, set in a concrete base.  I had to sell it when we moved.  It would be interesting to see the foundry and watch the casting process on such an object.  I made an angle iron frame with casters to move it about after the farm was sold. 


  11.   I think my mom would go to a concert, she likes trying any new adventure.  Dad wouldn't have unless it was Conway Twitty or similar.  Here's one I like.  I also like Don Felders Heavey Metal video with the bomber getting shot up but it's pretty graphic to link, even for a cartoon.


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