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I Forge Iron

Scott NC

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Posts posted by Scott NC

  1. 6 hours ago, Frosty said:


    You're going to express "self immolation" in the Scarecrow? Self IMMOLATION!?! :o That certainly explains the soot covered face look of your AVATAR. I'll be watching for those pics, oh YEAH!

    Frosty, about that self immolation comment... I should choose my words more carefully in the future. :wacko:. That was concerning a welding fixture I cobbled together and was thinking about posting a picture of for laughs but I've decided its to hideous to share.  Lol.  You know, a burning scarecrow may be more effective now that you mention it....  

    "Burning Man" might be a bit of fun to go to!

    Soot???  Not likely!  Que the Twilight Zone music!  

  2. I understand about the night shift Robert.  At risk of flying off topic, Ill tell you about my shift.  I work in an old "food" processing plant and we rotate through all three shifts on a weekly basis with a day off in between each week and a five day break after we have gone through all three.  Confused?  It gets even wierder with a couple of 8 hour turn arounds tossed in there lol haha.  Helps Im younger than you.  Not by much though.



    That fish has a lot of issues, I was thinking about the ribs curved backwards :D.

    Ps.  That visiting you thing was just bravado.  Probably....

  3. Frosty lol about the avatore of course but if you like creepy wait till i get done with my scarecrow.....  To promote humour and self immolation i shall soon post a photo of a fixture I just finished for attaching legs to some flower planting containers we sell at farm market...  I have outdid myself.

  4.   Well, i have to say thanks for all the nice comments... but i have to admit I was worried that you all might think there was something a little fishy with me.

    6 hours ago, Anachronist58 said:

    Nice. What is his weight?

    Robert Taylor

    It weighs 186 lbs but the real story behind it is the spanish gallion cannon brass i got the material froom.  


    5 hours ago, Frosty said:

    Boy, it really takes real spine to insert your usual skullduggery into a new fellow's thread!

    Sorry Nodebt, we can't help ourselves, we have almost no impulse control. Please feel free to reel us in or just call Fin!

    Frosty The Lucky.

    Frosty, its all good, sometimes I think my humor gets out of control and i HAVE to hold myself in check.  Skulldugery is much fun.  I wanted to title my Introduction forum thread thing "Look what the cat  dragged in" but i erred on the conservative side.  

    Thanks Das, John n JHCC.



  5. Nice work.  Who is the expert at putting all those parts back together, I'd need a blueprint and several of the old plant workers for help.  Sorry about sidetracking those thread, Im guilty party.  To get back on track what ARE You going to make out of it?  ( pizza oven)

  6. Outstanding!  It's great to see preservation going on.  I bet that crane put a dent in your budget lol.  Best I can do for posterity is an old pull type roadgrader that my father left.  Its all i can doo not to use all those gears and hand made parts on a scarecrow sculpture I'm working on but it's hands off!

      I guess I assumed the museum was in your area but I bet it would be a bit longer trip for me...  

      Btw, one of my first jobs in life was switching railcars at a repair shop with an engine not much bigger than that one.  Never a dull moment there.  

  7. I have similar one that as mentioned above I used for tacking and spot welding but now i keep it in the back of my truck with a smalk generator for fixing things that a cord wont reach, such as the gate on my lane, small fence work and my mailbox post that people seem to like to destroy.   If you have a clean joint and fresh wire they work ok.  If it gets totally worn out tear it apart, lots of metal art material in there if you like that type of thing.  


  8. Heres my first try at making a knife.  I cut a horseshoe in half and got twoo for one.  I hammered it into the shape I wanted but a flap wheel sure did help.  It was just a see what you can do project because I'm just starting out.  I put together a propane forge this winter and it's like the first time i welded two pieces of metal together or used a cutting torch.  Another metalworking skill...  possibilities seem endless.


  9. Thanks for the link.  The field days look like a very interesting time. Love steam power myself.  The closest i have been to it is when UP's Challenger stopped in town.  I was able to get up close and feel the heat radiating off.   

      Too bad about the museum narrow guage though.  Not too terribly far from here a major carrier abandoned a line and a group of investors tried to save it as a tourist attraction but unfortunately it didnt take off.  I imagine the overhead and maintenance costs were just too much.  Now it's sold off and being torn up for scrap.  

  10. Right you are ausfire!  I did some google image research and sure enough, there are none on the back.  I never noticed that as i was making it.  Kind of like a fish with no gills haha.   Daswulf, i put a lot of my things in the garden and flower patch and It'd be my luck to root around pulling weeds and poke my eye out on an antennae.  Mayby if I put a ballbearing or a cork on the end.  I have market garden with a lot of rods for plant cage support and it is an issue if not careful.  You are both right about details too, room for improvement, thanks.  ThomasPowers, thanks for the laugh, i love bgrade hoorror movies.  Now im off to the shop to make some little metal stickmen for my ant to terrorize!

  11. Tough chewing zadforney.  I made that for a friend, hammered it out, wire wheeled it, made a base for it and took a pic oof it.  Then i gave it to him and posted a pic on here.  NOW I see it has no gills!! Good gravey.

  12. Helloo.  Heres an ant that I made out of some 5" pipe.  I notched four places on the pipe on each end with a torch and then  bent them together for welding to make the body parts.  Next time i think a cut-off wheel would be easier.  No slag.  Usually I let my projects rust outside but I tried painting this one but it turned out horrible so that's why it has that "sandblasted" look to it. lol.  I have a friend that is very talented with an air-brush and painting but i wasn't blessed with that skill.  Try as I might.


  13. I wonder if thats a part of a rock or gravel crusher.  Looks like it has a flywheel for a belt on the other end.  It would be neat to see it run, mabey that rectangular part on the front rotates.  Unique pizza oven for u pizzaria?  Mount a few rosebuds on it and slip a pie right in that hole in front.   Overbuilt forge?  Lovely lawn ornament as is...

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