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I Forge Iron

Rich Hale

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Everything posted by Rich Hale

  1. If it gets too hot use a HOSE
  2. I remember one thing from science class, heat sulfer and it stinks that was enough for me
  3. TAke a COACH to the beach
  4. For hockey you need a PUCK
  5. I think you may find a lot of information in a book by Wayne Goddard called $50 knife shop. It gives us some options that do not break the bank and lets you get into the process and turn out some knives. Make some, sell some and use the money or at least part of it to reinvest in your shop. I have a lot of equipment the allows me to work efficently but with discipline and work you can do really nice work with basics.
  6. I think I have an idea what may be happening and how to fix If you would post a couple of clear close up pics it would make it easier to see what the actual problem is..If you cannot post pics a nice drawing to illustrate the issue would work.
  7. I just new someone would REACT
  8. With so many entries this almost seems LIVE
  9. Dive,,however do not land on a DIVA
  10. A DOVE does not dig many holes
  11. Not at the pole not in a HOLE?
  12. We could all uses watches order a BATCH
  13. You couild store silt in a SILO
  14. If your pitch is nasal it may need a PATCH
  15. Something from europe may add some PUNCH
  16. TAlk talk talk talk talk
  17. Maybe I should forge a BELL
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