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I Forge Iron

Rich Hale

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Everything posted by Rich Hale

  1. Hope my lack of the veal does not make anyone IRATE
  2. Hold the veal I forgot to SLAY it will be beef in a few more days
  3. It is so neat I better take a SEAT
  4. I could WHILE away some time on this game
  5. If you have some veal, You will want some HEAT
  6. Dang,,the Pickles are DILL
  7. That colt may bolt if it sees a MOLE
  8. A stilt may be only a distant memory however STOLT is new for me
  9. Come on in stgep right through the STILE
  10. ONly about 100f today think I will forge a BOLT
  11. To be rused would RILE me
  12. I better check the STOCK for corn
  13. When you get a new castle you shall be called SIRE
  14. A bigt CHUNK of steak does sound good
  15. I 'spose in the fort they serve PORT
  16. The beer may fall and make a CLUNK
  17. Had to check to make sure slant was not SLANG
  18. Do not PLANT the plane in the ground
  19. BORE out the bad parts of that tyre and plug it
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