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I Forge Iron


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Posts posted by teenylittlemetalguy

  1. Recently I got to attend a Viking axe class with Jim Austin. I am super stoked with the results.

    I have made a few small hawks before, wrap and weld and welded bit but nothing this big. ended up over 1-1/4lbs. 

    This featured a traditional asymmetric weld on the eye and a 1075 bit welded in a mild body.

    Did I mention I am stoked? 






  2. You bet I will be bringing the two brick forge. I am a big fan as you can do way more in it than you may think. I have made tomahawks, hammers and knives as well as large swooping items like curtain rods, and it is excellent for forge welding. I have a large forge and it sits idle about 90% of the time (saving me fuel $$$). Especially for a first forge I would recommend a two brick or just a brick pile forge till you know what you really need. If you can delay the build till after the meeting I think you will have a lot of new ideas. 

  3. Hey Lonnie, good to hear from you. 

    We have a fairly active group in Anchorage/Matsu area. I don't know of one down in the Kenai area. Maybe one of the smiths down there will pipe up and let us know otherwise. Would make me happy if they had one.

    Our next meeting is November 12th in Anchorage. You are more than welcome to stop in if you can make it. There is some very helpful people in our group and I am sure you would come away with some good tips. We typically have a fire going so you can have some forge time as well. 

  4. On 8/28/2016 at 11:24 AM, AkFilm said:

    Hello. Thanks for talking yesterday! I've always admired your work. 

    For my 1800s Trapper knife, I actually used an antique long spring. I only had one though so for the product shot used the coil spring I had laying around. Well spotted! 

    I have another piece of the long spring trap, want to do a more traditional bone handle. These were made from much larger traps than the one I had, but it was a fun venture into something different. The next one had a more traditional dagger profile.  Here's some originals. 



    AK Film, thanks for the info on the redwood, that really piques my interest. 

    this example photo you posted, do you know the origin of the bottom one? it looks Alutiiq to me. I love it!

  5. sorry, speaking short hand again... can't you tell what I meant in my head? a scrap piece of bar grating is exactly what I am after. All I find in town is big pieces, figured someone in the group may have a small scrap of it. 

    I will be happy to do the demo as long as everyone knows my total experience with it is two corners. but I was encouraged enough by both of them to adopt it as my main way to make a corner. 

    sounds like the ribbon burner is already making improvements in the forge and you haven't even built the burner yet....


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